The Leaf Village

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The sun was just beginning to rise, but already a line had formed for entrance to the Leaf Village. After all, if I arrived at the village on the predicted day then the Chunin exams were taking place in two days. Those who were arriving seemed to only want to enter and take a well deserved rest after traveling for so long.

I trudged over to stand in line behind a group of rain Genin obviously there to participate. I had traveled for only a week, but most that were around me probably traveled from farther.

I was nervous, but really it was unneeded. No one knew of the baby, but Itachi. I was to tell the Third Hokage and that was it.. unless things went south, then I would go with our back up plan. We decided it would be better for me to enter with all the others for the Chunin exams, just to give me a better cover.

I had my small home village write a letter explaining I would like to live in the Hidden village. Since I come from a civilian village inside the land of fire there should be less red tape to jump through -- I hoped. To be extra safe, I applied through my village with a fake identity, Hotaru Taki.

Itachi said there was a real chance of information getting out if I wasn't careful, and maybe even if I was. Afterall, while he was in my village people saw him a lot, and if his face was to be recognized it might lead back to me.

I was careful to not tell anyone of the pregnacy just as Itachi had instructed. If anyone did find out but followed my true identity they would be led to the land of lightning where the trail could be followed for half a year.

I guess I did have reason to worry, but Itachi seemed to have taken care of everything. And I trusted him with my life. And our baby's.

The doors opened and the line began to move quickly probably because the pass to view the Chunin exam was a simple paper. When it came to my turn, however, I headed over my five sheets. They looked it over it and then handed it back to me. The two guards looked at each other, and motioned for me to step to the side, asking me to wait for an escort as they had been expecting me.

When the line disappeared, but I was still waiting for my escort, the two guards started up a conversation with me.

"So... looking to relocate to Konoha?" One asked trying to break the ice.


"Tired of that boring country life?" The other asked. I laughed awkwardly in response, just hoping for the escort to show up, I was just extremely tired.

"What do your parents think about you coming to a hidden village?" The first one asks again. They were curious about me, that was obvious, but I just wasn't feeling up to it. On the other hand, I needed to build up my backstory and rapport with everyone I could.

"My parents died fighting in the last war."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"So, you were raised with a ninja background?" I shook my head.

"My parents were never around when I was young, so they couldn't teach me much." A lie, both my parents were cooks and very much alive in a village about a three days walk from where I had met Itachi. It was the truth that I wasn't raised as a ninja though.

"And which village did they belong to?" I was about to answer when a poof and smoke occured to my right. We all looked to see a slouching ninja with a mask and a his head band over his eye. Kakashi Hatake. He looked as if he had seen better days, the man was covered in bandages, and moved stiffly.

Itachi had made sure I knew everyone and anyone he thought I would be able to trust if things went badly. All had a number of importance he had me recite to him until I fell asleep. My heart ached remembering the times I woke up to see his relaxed face sleeping besides me.

"Sorry for the wait, but the Hokage is busy. He gave me the key to where you will be staying. Please follow me." I said my goodbyes to the two men, and followed him down the road.

"Do you know when he will be free, I have my documents, and I would like to give them to him myself..." I trailed off as I considered how suspicious it must have sounded to him. I scowled at the ground as I followed behind him, he must think me coming here is suspicious in general I considered. Should I try to make friendly conversation, he was number two behind the Hokage.

"I'll give them to him for now." He said as he plucked my stack of papers from my hands. I looked wide eyed at my empty hands.

"Are you sure? I mean, you don't have to." I screamed inside my head to just shut up as I stumbled over the words, and my hand started rubbing my stomach out of nervousness.

"Don't worry, when you have your appointment the papers will already be there waiting for you." He looked back at me with a closed eyed smile as he continued to walk.

"And my appointment? Do you know when it'll be?"

"A bird will be sent to you with that information, but I wouldn't expect to speak with him until after the Chunin exams. You chose a busy time to come to the village." I smiled softly, watching his feet move with only the slightest hint of a limp.

"I wanted to watch them." We didn't speak for the rest of the walk, but it wasn't long before his feet suddenly stopped. I gasped and looked up to see a housing building, I looked around to see we went straight through the heart of town and I wasn't even looking... I sighed.

"Something the matter?" I looked up and shyly smiled.

"Well, I just thought how I wasn't paying attention while walking here... So when I get to go into town..." I trailed off. He gave a chuckle and smiled again.

"It'll be okay, I'm sure you'll do just fine. It's not that confusing to walk around. You're on the second floor. Room 212." I smiled and gave him a quick thank you before walking up the stairs. I was half way up when I realized I didn't have a key. I stopped midstep my face grew incredibly hot and I turned around slowly. Kakashi stood there holding up the key, I quickly ran back down the stairs and bowed to him deeply.

"I'm incredibly sorry... mm, sorry what was your name?" I hesitated wondering how he would react. Itachi had told me who he could trust, but not how they would act.

"Kakashi Hatake. Have a nice night, Hotaru Taki." I nodded slightly, not really surprised he knew my false name, happy in fact that he knew it. I smiled and walked back up the stairs.


I looked up and saw a small blonde leaning over the railing just down from where I was. I gave him a sympathetic smile, and looked at the doors around me... what number did he say?

"Hey! You! Where did he go?" The blonde ran towards me with a finger pointed the entire time shouting. I rose my eye brow and looked him over. He had the villages head band on his forehead, and he was wearing bright orange clothes.

"I don't know, he just showed me to my place." I held up my key.

"OH! Really, so which one is yours?"

"I'm... it's 2.. 2..." I sighed muttering about pregnancy brain in anger.

"You're Pregnant?" My eyes widened substantially, and I looked up at the confused faced. Shit.

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