Eyes That Follow

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The feeling of overwhelming love is what squeezed my heart as I looked into the dark eyes of the giggling baby. He was mine and I was his. I puffed out my cheeks and went in and blew raspberries on his stomach again. He squeals in delight while his arms and legs flail out. I couldn't help but laugh myself. He was beautiful in every way.

My little Shisui. He looked incredibly like an Uchiha, except his skin was a shade darker, but lighter than my own. I was proud already of such a small thing.

The feeling of a cold wind blowing alerts me of another's presents. I look up to see Sasuke, the smile on my face slowly draws into a frown. He was not smiling, in fact, he was noticeably angry. Not a normal feature that he expresses. My body stiffens and I become aware of every movement. I mentally remember where I've hidden some weapons.

"It's his, isn't it." His voice was low, dangerous, and threatening, and he was most certainly not asking a question. I stood up leaving the oblivious infant on the bed still cooing to himself softly.

"Yes." I didn't lie or hesitate, but I did prepare myself, he wasn't here to be friendly or even to ask questions. "His name is Shisui at the request of Itac-" He was suddenly infront of me sharingan spinning wildly. A kuni clashing with my senbon, which I had hidden in my sleeve. I honestly was surprised he attacked. It was the worst scenario in my mind, but here he was. He looked up from our weapons, and into my eyes. He scoffed and looked almost disgusted with me.

"Did he even teach you the clans secrets?" I swallowed at the glare he fired at me. It was pure hatred, and then his eyes wondered to the infant behind me. I suddenly push him back and perform an earthquake jutsu, and without thinking about much else grab Shisui before using a summoning tag to get us out of the house. I stand outside in the tree lining watching the house suddenly collapses in on itself.

Sasuke nowhere to be seen. I focus and try to locate him around me, ready to run with Shisui, when a shift in the rubble alerted me of his presents. He pushes off the last part of the roof, but continues to lean on the rubble from his kneeling position. Blood ran freely down his face and some of it getting in his eye forcing his to close it, yet still the look of absolute disgust plastered itself on his face.

"Why... why did you betray me." He struggles to keep his voice from shaking, really the only thing giving himself away that he was more than disgusted with me. I'm suddenly afraid of him and what will happen, but when I try to talk nothing comes out. He lifts his badly damaged arm and points to the sleeping baby in my arms. "It's to blame for all of this. I will end it, like I'll end the father." I bolt away from him suddenly without looking back, but the further I got the worst this feeling of being watched got. This wasn't real. This wasn't what he would do. It's a dream.

Wake up.

Wake up!

My eyes open and I'm starring at the ceiling inside Kakashi's place. I'm breathing heavily, and a hard kick in my side tells me it was in fact a dream. My hands shoot to my stomach in pain when he kicks again and suddenly the urge to puke was too much. I roll out of bed and run as fast as I could to make it to the toilet.

I sat there on my knees and hands emptying my stomach contents into the toilet. I felt my forehead and suddenly wished for nothing else but a shower. I sat for another minute and breathed in and out with in a rhythm which helped calm us both down.

Images of Sasuke's bloody body flashed across my mind, but his look of utter betrayal and disgust was what affected me the most. And the sudden realization of my own mortality made my stomach drop. Was I really willing to allow some strangers to raise my baby because I wasn't willing to severe ties with Itachi? Was I literally willing to die on this rock. What if I die and then Sasuke does find out the father... who will be willing to protect my baby?

I stood up on weak knees and got myself ready for the shower. Maybe the warm water would wash more than the sweat away.

Could I run? No, they would treat it as me going to warn Itachi. Killing us both on sight.

The hot water runs over me, and I sigh in relief, but it doesn't help the thoughts racing through my head. I finish up, but before I turn the water off I hear something outside the bathroom door. A thud that was unmistakable indicating that another human being is inside the house.

"Kakashi?" I call out over the sound of the water, but there is no reply.

I then turn off the water and exit the shower. I suddenly see a shadow appear cross the gap from under the door. With my heart racing I grab the towel and wrap it around me, and then the nearest thing I could use as a weapon, that being a potted plant Kakashi kept on the window sill.

I slowly turn the door knob, ready to defend myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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