He got a welcoming round of applause as he stood before the 36 competitors.

VC-Charlotte-Hunter has a special place in my heart. I think he has a place in all of our hearts to be honest.

"We got a full house tonight don't we?" he said, "Thirty six of you. I hope you all play well with each other. Anyway, whats up guys? For those of you that are new here, welcome to The Challenge! For those of you that I'm tired of seeing, welcome back."

"You know you can never get tired of me Hunter." said Chris.

"Im tired of specifically you Chris. Anyway, for those of you that don't know me my name is Hunter Levesque and I'm your host for this season of The Challenge."

Another round of applause rung through the air.

"So guys, its come to my attention that you don't know what the theme of this season is going to be. I like it like that. I like surprises." he said as he slowly paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, very intimidatingly, "Last season you were given the opportunity to work with someone you loved the most. You were given the opportunity to work with your significant other."

Sasha looked up at Roman and smiled. Alexa side eyed AJ.

"Well right now, I want you to picture a very large sum of money. So much money, it can change your life forever. We're talking...... half a million dollars."

"Ohhh my god."Lita covered her mouth.

The cast members all vocalised their shock and disbelief.

VC-Mickie-I swear to god, if I win that money I'm going to quit my job right then and there.

VC-Trish-Half a mil is no joke.

VC-AJS-Half a million dollars? Do you know the things I can do with that? That kind of cash can change your life. Ive come in third place, I've come in second, now its time to take home first.

"Thats life changing money right? Five hundred grand.Thats the biggest prize we've ever had up for grabs to date. And all of you right now, has the potential to take that money home." said Hunter, "Theres just..... one catch."

"Here we go." said Seth.

"In order to win that money, you have to put all your faith and trust in one person."

"And his name is Jesus, hallelujah!" said a flamboyant new cast member that was dressed like the late singer, Prince.

"That is true, but I'm not talking about him. I don't think he can help you this season." said Hunter in a much more serious manner, "What if you had to put all your trust and faith in one person in order to win that money. What if....that one person happened to be.......your worst enemy?"

The silence of the night was overtaken by groans, sighs and curses.

"Fuck no."said Paige.

AJ closed his eyes and sighed.

"Ya'll must be playin'."said Naomi angrily.

"Say sike right now Hunter! Say it!" yelled Chris.

VC-Brie-This was too good to be true.

VC-CM Punk-I am instantly depressed now.

VC-Miz-This season is going to suck.

VC-Sami-All of my will and motivation and determination and confidence just instantly vanished. If my partner is who I think it is.......oh boy. This isn't going to be a fun ride.

"Thats right everyone, welcome to The Challenge Season 3: Rivals." Hunter smirked.

"You just love seeing us in misery don't you Hunter?" Seth asked.

VC-Sasha-Im looking around to see who can be my potential Rival. So far I can list like 3 names. But I see one specific person here who wouldn't have been here if it wasn't for her pissing me off a few years ago so...all I can say is...I don't know how I'm going to be able to make it through this season. I really don't.

VC-Nikki-Rivals. Great *rolls eyes* I don't know if the teams will be of same sex or the opposite gender. I see Brie here so who knows, she can be my partner. Then again, I see Dolph here so maybe he can be my partner. I don't want to work with either of them if I'm honest.

"So, lets stop wasting time and start assigning you to your rival shall we?" said Hunter.

VC-Liv-Take me back home....I swear to god....I-I don't want to be here anymore....



A/N-Alright, gimme your thoughts! Who do you think some of the teams are going to be?

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