~ (No) Lie: Epilogue ~

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5 years later

25% of people actually end up with their high school sweethearts.

Hoseok and Yoongi were not apart of that 25%.

Yes, it is extremely shocking. I bet you couldn't imagine the heart attack Hayoon got when Hoseok told her he and Yoongi had broken up.

'They were so in love' you might be saying, 'How could that even happen?', 'This is bullshit'. Things like that are what a lot of people said when they found out the couple was no longer together, that they had offically ended things.

Life is a bitch and it broke Hoseok and Yoongi apart, they ended things mutally, but that didn't stop the hurt that came with it.

After they graduated high school, Hoseok and Yoongi went to seperate universities to study different things. They soon realized that long distance wasn't something that would work well for them, they tried, they really, really, tried to make things work. But when one of them was free, the other was usually busy, and on Holidays they would see each other but only for a short amount of time since they'd be going to see family too.

Eventually, they decided it'd be best if they just ended things mutally when they were both close to finishing their freshman year at University. Both of them tried to keep in touch with one another but they lost contact with each other, and both were too hung up in their own lives to get it back.

5 years later, the two haven't spoken or seen much of each other in atleast 4 years. Of course it's been hard, they loved each other very much, but they knew things were dificult and life was clearly whisking them in the opposite direction of one another.

Jimin and Taehyung were still going on strong, both of them fresh out of University and living in an apartment together. They knew about their friends dilemma and tried to keep them in touch with each other, but they could only do so much about it. The cute couple was also getting ready for their wedding that their parents were helping plan, Taehyung propsing to Jimin at their graduation party.

Hoseok was there, Yoongi was not.

The elder male, of course, wished happiness for both of them and promised to be at the wedding, he was away in the United States when the small party happened.

Now, you may be hoping NamJoon and Jungkook are together? That the universe really did bring them together and they are living happily.

Well, that is not the reality of it.

They have seen each other again, they are friends again, but they are not a couple yet. Jungkook is still in his last year of University and NamJoon has already started his career as a CEO for a big company in Seoul. The two promised each other that once Jungkook graduated, their relationship would start again. NamJoon and Jungkook couldn't wait for his graduation, because when he did Jungkook would be moving in with NamJoon in Seoul. So, technically, they will be together soon.

SeokJin and his, now husband, Kan have adopted a baby girl and boy, Hoseok is the godfather and loves the two with his whole soul. Their names are Eunwoo and Momo, the two were adorable.

The reason Yoongi was barely around for things is because he is now a producer for multiple artists and has had minor collabs with some of them. When Jimin and Taehyung had their graduating party he was in the United States with his friend Kihyun, when SeokJin's kids at their first birthday, he was in Japan. His and Hoseok's worlds haven't collided yet.

Of course, he misses Hoseok and misses the relationship they had, but he knew it wasn't either of their faults that things fell apart. Their lives were going in different directions.

He still loves, and misses, Hoseok and wishes to see him again. Even with the new added surprise in his life.


As of now Hoseok was walking to one of the local libraries in Seoul.

Hoseok was now a therapist for teenagers. He knows how hard it is to feel comfortable with talking to someone, so he wanted to be that person for people like himself when he was a teenager. He wanted to help people like Yoongi helped him. Hoseok still had his scars for his attempted suicide and knew he could empathize with the teenagers, his patients, that came for help.

When he walked in, he was instantly greeted by Diasyun, a woman on the older side who co-owned the place with her husband, "Hi, Hoseokie."

Hoseok gave her his signature heart smile, he was a regular here, "Hi, Dia Noona." Hoseok's hair was currently pitch black, he wanted to look professional for the parents that were trusting him with their children's care.

"New patient?" she asked him, her head resting on the palm of her hand. Hoseok would come into the library when he had a new patient, he would ask for their interests and learn more about them so they'd feel comfortable with him. He also got books to help him learn more, plus he enjoyed reading.

Hoseok hummed to confirm her statement, "She's fourteen, has an interest in music, thought I could learn more about it so she would feel less stand-offish and tense with me."

Dia put her hand over her heart, "You're such an angel, Seok, how did we all get so lucky to live in the same time frame as you." she said, causing Hoseok to blush madly at the small praise.

Dia was very vocal about how much she adored Hoseok.

With the blush still on his cheeks, Hoseok walked further into the library and into the section where all the music books were held. The young girls name was Sana, she was adorable and didn't look like she'd be someone who is depressed and suffers from anerexia, but she does and that's the reality of it. She must like this artist named JIHYO since she was wearing a T-shirt that had the woman's name on it.

So, he looked through the section for maybe a book on current Kpop artists, of course he could look online for it, but Hoseok needed to get some other books and was also hoping he'd find a book on the artist along the way.

His eyes moved along the shelves, the man now in his own world as he looked through them. So far in his own world that he didn't notice the person sitting down in the aisle with their legs out, which resulted in Hoseok tripping over them and falling on his knees, his hands saving his face from hitting the ground.

"Dada, da man fwell," he heard a young boy say, a boy probably a year and a half old.

Then he heard the man speak, who must have been the father, "I know, SeokYoon, I have eyes."

He recognized that voice, he recognized that voice so clearly that his heart started to beat hard in his chest. He knew that voice. Hoseok gulped before he finally looked at the people who owned those voices. When he made eye-contact with that person, they held the same surprised expression.

It was Yoongi, in flesh and blood. His hair was blonde, more on the white side, he grew more into his features and just held a mature aura. His eyes were the same and he was still as beautiful as before. Next to him was a little boy, Hoseok was right with the age range, he had brown hair with bangs framing his forehead. He had Yoongi's eyes and nose, but features that obviously came from someone else.

"Yoongi?" Hoseok finally found his voice, that name the first words to leave his lips.

Said male gave him a soft smile, Yoongi looked at the man he still loved with happiness, "Hey."

Hoseok swallowed the lump in his throat, the younger allowing a smile to adorn his features, "Hi."

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