Lie Twenty Nine : Positive

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Yoongi stared at the house he hasn't seen in the past week, his stomach doing flips as he stared at it.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Hoseok asked the blue haired male, he had driven Yoongi here and didn't want his boyfriend to go inside alone. Or at all, if he was being frank. Yoongi was only here because school started in two days and he couldn't stay at Hoseok's forever.

"Positive," Yoongi assured, trying not to let his expression waver as a cut appeared on his thigh, he smiled softly as he looked at the younger, "I'll be fine, just, stay on stand by if I do need you," he touched Hoseok's cheek, caressing the sun kissed skin tenderly.

Hoseok leaned into the touch, kissing Yoongi's palm before leaning over and connecting their lips for a short, tender, kiss, "I love you."

All Yoongi could do was smile and nod, his heart ripping in his chest. He hated that he couldn't state the words back, that he couldn't verbally express the admiration he had for the younger male. He just felt his body wasn't ready yet, his mind wasn't, so he just smiled. "I'll text you later."

Hoseok nodded, not entirely affected by Yoongi's lack of response, he knew his boy friend would be ready to say it back when he was. Hoseok wasn't going to be one to get angry nor try to rush the process, love takes time and he could be patient.

Yoongi waved the car off as he entered his house, slight fear engrossing his body when he walked in. He didn't make his presence announced but also didn't try to hide the fact he was back. The blue haired male shut the door behind him and took off his shoes, already hearing foot steps running over to the door way.

He saw his mother, the woman looked worn out and tired, as if she hasn't slept, "Yoongi," she said, a breath of relief leaving her pale, skinny, body. She looked her son up and down, an eye brow raised when she noticed his hair color and fading red marks on his neck and collar bone, "Where the hell have you been?" she asked, her tone full of a touch of malice.

The blue haired male rolled his eyes as he walked past her, his mother catching his wrist and pulling him back harshly before he could go anywhere, "Don't you dare try to walk away from me!" she yelled at him, Yoongi now glaring at her as he clenched his jaw, "You need to explain why you've been gone for the past week! No call, no text to alert me and your father you're safe!-"

"YOU ACT LIKE YOU CARE!" Yoongi screamed back at her, taking his mother by surprise, she would have never expected Yoongi to ever scream at her, "I got no apology from you for what you did. You yelled at me, hit me! Because of what?! Some scars that are apart of living in the world we live in?!" he dropped the bag he had in his hands, finally letting all the pent up anger he's gathered over the years out.

Songhee stared at her son with an unreadable expression, her arms crossed over her chest as she spoke, "The scars are not apart of living, they are something that shows peoples flaws-"

"NO THEY AREN'T!" Yoongi yelled once more, staring at his mother now with a pleading expression, "GeumJae died, he killed himself, because you insulted him, hit him, made him feel like utter trash. Why haven't you changed?!" he now had tears gathering in his eyes, the mention of his elder brother always broke him, "Your son, my brother, KILLED HIMSELF! Because you-" he pointed an accusing finger at the woman standing before him, her eyes watery, "-were an awful mother to him, instead of helping him through his problems you mocked him! And his death is on you." Venom was laced in every word he spit out, he wanted to make his mother feel like shit, he wanted her to realize that what she caused was awful.

His mother had tears now streaming down her face, she glared at her son, her and Yoongi's glares extremely similar, "You don't understand anything, Min Yoongi! You don't understand that what me and your father are doing is to help you-"

"It didn't help GeumJae it pushed him to take his life!" Yoongi interrupted her, he walked over to his mother and grabbed her shoulders, "Why can't you understand that what you're doing, the philosophy you pushed on us, was hurting us and not helping?" he now cried, tears were going down his face.

Songhee didn't hold her son, her body was tense, "I-i, it, does help-" she was breaking, his mother, was falling apart in his arms. He just had to push a bit more.

Yoongi let her go, "The scars you used to see on me, weren't the only ones I had. The ones you saw the night you hit me were brand spanking new" he confessed to her, her eyes widening as she looked at him, "The two I had a couple months ago, were actually two of six. I have one for assuring my best friend that he wasn't weird, another for pretending that I was fine in this hell hole you call a home," he walked a bit closer to her, stray tears streaming down his cheeks but he didn't move to wipe them away, "the third for saying I was happy with my life when someone asked, I knew it was a lie but wanted to make sure, and the fourth I had," Yoongi chuckled quietly before looking straight into his mothers eyes, tears now gathering in them, "was for telling you and dad that I loved you."

This caused his mother to fall to her knees, her heart ripping her chest apart as she finally cried, finally broke down. "W-what?!" she inquired, her voice loud and full of pain.

Yoongi got on his knees and moved near her, "I don't know what true love feels like, what affection from my parents feels like. I can't even tell my boyfriend I love him because I don't know what true love feels like!" he yelled, Songhee staring at him with wide, crying, eyes when he said boyfriend. But Yoongi didn't care, at this moment he was letting everything he felt go, "You apparently don't know what it is either. Your own son died because of you, you never showed me love, never cared for me like a mother should."

The blue haired male got up, wiping the tears that had fallen from his eyes and grabbing his bag and phone. Before he went he said one last thing to his mother, this breaking her even more than before.

"The relationship you had with your only son is ruined, and that's on you."


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