Lie Twelve : It's fine

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[This was supposed to go in Chapter 11 but it would have been way to long so I decided to make it a different chapter and publish it the same day]

Yoongi stared out of the window as Hoseok drove him home, the radio humming in the background as the two sat in a dismal silence.

The elder didn't expect Hoseok to break it.

"It was nice," he began, stopping at a red light but not looking at Yoongi, "what you said to my sister." he clarified.

Yoongi just nodded, leaning back in his seat, "It was no problem, really-"

"My parents accept scars, they don't find them repulsive, or grimace at the idea nor sight of them. They believe it's apart of growing up and are apart of finding yourself, it's why I have some, they have some, and my siblings. We don't judge people for their scars," Hoseok interrupted and explained his families philosophy, Yoongi sinking in his chair when he thought about his own family and how they were NOTHING like Hoseoks parents.

"Must be nice," he mumbled, Hoseok not catching what he said since he was too focused on his own thoughts circling through his head.

Hoseok took a deep breath before confessing, "I self harm, it's why I have scars that don't look like the other ones."

Yoongi now stared Hoseoks side profile, since the male was driving and refused to look at Yoongi even if the car had stopped. 'I was right!' Yoongi shouted in his head, but refrained from saying it out loud since he wanted Hoseok to continue and didn't want to sound like an asshole.

When he noticed Hoseok stopped talking, he asked, "Why?"

"You know how I get bullied by Hui, I've been bullied for my looks since I was in middle school and it resulted in my depression and anxiety," he informed, getting closer and closer to Yoongi's home, "You even caused my most recent ones."

Now, Hoseok didn't have to tell Yoongi this information, he didn't have to tell Yoongi these things. But he did anyway, cause he wanted Yoongi to realize that his words affect people! That he needs to watch what he says. So he told him of the self harming because Yoongi wanted to know and was one of the first people to notice them, and he told him he caused some of them because he wanted Yoongi to feel like an asshole.

Yoongi's breath caught in his throat at the news, his eyes widening, "W-what?!"

"When you called me gross, it hurt me more than it should have. Sure, it wasn't that big of a deal, but to me it was," Hoseok admitted, stopping in front of Yoongi's house, "before you ask, no one else knows about my self harming so don't say anything."

The elder male was staring down at his hands, guilt corrupting his chest, "Hoseok, I'm sorry for what I said-"

"No you're not, you're sorry for the result of your words," he said in a matter-a-fact tone, finally looking over at Yoongi, "it's fine though, you were raised to be the way you are."

Yoongi made eye contact with the younger male in front of him, he could see the hurt Hoseok was trying to cover up, "I am sorry though, I didn't think that would happen and I'm sorry."

Hoseok nodded, "It's fine Yoongi, you didn't know," one deep cut appeared on Hoseoks body, none on Yoongi's because he was being completely sincere with his words, "I'll see you tomorrow."

The black haired male nodded as he got out of the car, watching the vehicle leave before rushing inside his house and straight to his bedroom. He threw all his stuff somewhere in the room and flopped face first on his bed.

"I'm such an asshole!" he screamed into the covers, it was muffled enough that he didn't wake his parents.

Yoongi got ready for bed after he told himself how much of an insincere douche he was, the male finally lying down in his bed and just staring at the ceiling. He quickly grabbed his phone when he realized he needed to tell Hoseok to dress in things that would cover his body.

If Hoseok though Yoongi was bad then he didn't want to deal with his parents.


Midget Asshole
Hey, I forgot to tell you to wear things that cover all your scars. I bet you already know how my parents feel about them and I don't want them saying anything rude to you.

Okay, thanks for letting me know

Midget Asshole
No problem

Midget Asshole
And Hoseok, I'm sorry again for what happened because of my words

Stop apologizing and go to bed, I already told you it was fine

Midget Asshole
Good night Hoseok

Night Yoongi

Hoseok shut off his phone as he sighed, the male curious as to why his heart was beating hard in his chest. Was it pain? Was he dying? Does he have some heart condition?

He didn't want to admit to himself it was because of Yoongi, he wouldn't admit it to himself.

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