(No) Lie Twenty Two : It's a long story

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NamJoon glared at his boyfriend as the younger male just laughed his ass off in front of him.

"It's not that funny!" the elder whined, standing up from where he had fallen moments before.

Jungkook just laughed even more, helping his boyfriend off the ground. Once NamJoon was standing up right, Jungkook pecked his lips with a small smile, "It was hilarious."

The couple was out on a date in town, it was two days before christmas so people were out and about getting gifts for loved ones while the two just walked around. They had just stopped at a small booth that sold a variety things, they didn't buy anything but as they walked along the side walk NamJoon had slipped on a piece of ice that he didn't notice.

Jungkook shouldn't have laughed, but honestly, anyone would have because it was just that funny.

"You're evil," NamJoon commented as he interlocked his fingers with Kook's, the younger beaming out of happiness at the contact.

He just laughed at the male's comment, swinging his and NamJoons arms. This caused a dimpled smile to appear on Namjoon's handsome features, Jungkook doesn't think he'd ever be able to get over how gorgeous the elder male is. While NamJoon doesn't think he'll ever get over the younger males incredible duality, how was it possible for a human to go from the cutest little bean on the planet to the sexiest person in existence?

Sine Jungkook was to distracted, from staring at NamJoon, he bumped into a broad shouldered person. This caused the younger to stumble forward, and he would have fallen face first if it wasn't for the stranger grabbing his arm and Joon holding his hand.

"God- I'm sorry about that!" the stranger bowed to the younger male, who smiled at him in return.

Jungkook stood up straight next to NamJoon, the two still holding hands, "It's okay! It was my fault for not paying attention anyways."

The man in front of them wasn't alone, a black haired male was standing next to him with a smile. While the stranger he bumped into had blond hair and almost perfect features, he was extremely handsome. The strangers gaze shifted to Namjoon, and when they made eye contact the strangers smile completely vanished and changed to a hurt expression.

"NamJoon," the blond man whispered, this confusing Jungkook.

They knew each other?

NamJoon just squeezed Jungkook's hand, the younger noticing how Joon's happy aura was gone and was replaced with one of pain, "SeokJin," he replied, Jungkook now having a name to put to the mans face.

Insecurity automatically filled Jungkook's brain. Is that man NamJoon's ex? If he was, how the hell would Jungkook compare to that? SeokJin looked like an actual god, as if he was hand crafted by the heavens themselves. While Jungkook didn't think he came close to the, obviously elder, males beauty.

"NamJoon, can we please talk? Not today, only when you're ready. Please," SeokJin begged, his expression full of the same hurt NamJoons had.

"Babe, we're going to need to get going in a bit," the black haired male near SeokJin informed. Jungkook's heart beat relaxing at the word 'babe', he assumed the male was Jin's boyfriend. And if he wasn't then they must have had a weird relationship.

SeokJin nodded quickly, he looked back at NamJoon, "Hoseok has my number, contact me when you're ready to talk." Jin bowed to the two before walking away with his own boyfriend.

Joon didn't even move, even after SeokJin left, he was frozen in his place. Seeing Jin again in person was much worse than just hearing about his return. He felt sick to his stomach, he felt like he was going to puke. What broke him out of his state was a pair of soft lips on his own. The elder closed his eyes as he took a hold of Jungkook's waist, tears welling up in his closed eyes as he kissed the younger male back.

Once Jungkook pulled away he looked up at NamJoon with his doe eyes, "What's wrong, Joonie?"

NamJoon sighed as he wiped the few tears that escaped his eyes, "It's a long story."

"I have time." Jungkook countered, Joon smiling at him softly.

Jungkook was one of the reasons NamJoon was back to his happy self, one of the reasons why he was okay again after his heartbreak with SeokJin. He was ready to tell the younger about him, because he knew it would help him.

"Okay," he said softly, caressing Jungkook's full cheeks, "let's go then."


"Min Yoongi! Are you zoning out while I am speaking to you?!" Ms. Min yelled with an appalled tone as she stared at her son, who was looking off into space.

Yoongi was most definitely zoning out because he didn't care for what his mother was telling him, she had called him down from his room for important news yet didn't tell him till 20 minutes later. So now he didn't care.

He felt a slap on his head, he rolled his eyes as he looked over at the woman who birthed him. "Listen and stop zoning out," she demanded, Yoongi finally nodding as he looked at her.

Where was Yoongi's father? Working or sleeping in his office since he didn't like being around Yoongi's mom much. You wouldn't really wonder why if you knew her. Plus, the death of Geumjae kind of broke his parents.

"Tonight we are having a dinner with the Lee family, they are bringing their son who is around your age. Behave, dress nice, and don't disappear like you have been doing for the last few months. Am I understood?" she inquired, Yoongi nodding, "I want a verbal answer."

"Yes, mother," he spoke, the woman nodding with a satisfied grin as she walked away from her only son.

He went to his bedroom and began rummaging through his closet for clothes that weren't just black, grey, white, or darker black. While he was doing so his phone began ringing, a smile on his face when he picked it up and heard Hoseoks voice.

"Do you want to come over? I'm bored," he heard the younger whine, which only caused a wider grin to appear on his features.

Yoongi sighed, "I wish I could, but I have this dinner with my parents and this other family. I already forgot who," the elder responded, finally pulling out a white button up shirt.

Hoseok laughed, "Well, that sucks."

"Tell me about it," Yoongi commented, throwing his clothes on his bed, "I have to go get ready, I'll text you later."

"Alright, bye baby."

Yoongi was to awestruck to even respond before the line went dead, Hoseok had never called him that before. Once Yoongi snapped back into his senses, he started squealing like a teenage girl.

Gosh, just how much Hoseok brightened his day was crazy.


When the Lee family finally arrived, Yoongi had conveniently made himself presentable.

He went down the stairs before his mom would yell at him to hurry his ass up. Though, once he reached the door way his breath caught in his throat and his fist clenched out of pure anger because of the person standing in his door way.

"This is our son, Lee Hoetaek but he prefers to be called Hui."

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