Lie Thirty Six : I've never met anyone lazier in my entire life

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"You're such an asshole, I should break up with you!" Yoongi glared at the male next to him as Hoseok kissed under his ear and his cheek.

Hoseok decided to prank him a bit, making it seem like he had lost his memory. Yoongi would've broken down into tears if he didn't notice Hoseok's lip twitch and how he couldn't keep a straight face as he said it.

Which resulted in Yoongi almost leaving the hospital if it weren't for Hoseok whining for him to come back.

Currently the two were laying in the hospital bed, Yoongi hopping over to it and punching Hoseok's chest lightly before he kissed him and snuggled next to his boyfriend. Yoongi caught Hoseok up on everything, on the whole Hui situation, how what he said wasn't the truth, what happend to his ankle, and everything in school. Hoseok just listened to his boyfriends voice, feeling soothed by it.

Yoongi told him how Hui is in custody for what he did to Hoseok and what he did to Yoongi, Hoseok more than pissed off when he found out what Hui did to his boyfriend but he was glad Hui was already being punished for it. Hui wouldn't be such a burden in his life anymore. 

"It was weird," Hoseok replied when Yoongi asked him what it was like to be in a coma. Hoseok's voice was lower than usual, scratchier too, but it was probably because he hasn't spoken or drank anything in days, "It's like I was dreaming, a really, really, long dream. I subconsciously knew I was in a coma and I could hear you guys, I just couldn't break myself out of it."

Yoongi just nodded, looking over at Hoseok, who looked down at him, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Hoseok asked with a laugh, the younger lifting his hand up and tucking Yoongi's longish bangs behind his ear.

"I was so scared, Seok," the blue haired male confessed, pulling the sleeves of his sweater to give himself sweater paws, something he did when he was nervous, "I-i really thought I was going to lose you, that hurt me so much. You should know how I love you, I love you so much that I didn't even know I could feel so much love for someone given how small I am-"

The elder's announcement of how much he loved Hoseok was cut short by the red head's lips pressed against his. Yoongi could feel Hoseok's lips curling upwards as their lips remained connected, and when they pulled away Hoseok had his forehead leaning against Yoongi's.

"I love you too, so much," Hoseok expressed, Yoongi breaking out into a smile as he heard the words, "I'm sorry for putting you through that type of fear, I shouldn't have believed what he said but I couldn't help it. My mind kept yelling at me that I didn't deserve you and how maybe you would hurt me like that, I wasn't thinking logically. I'm sorry, baby," he concluded, tears slipping out of his closed eyelids as he held Yoongi's hand.

Yoongi wiped Hoseok's tears away with his free hand, moving both of them so he could cup Hoseok's face to have the younger look at him, "Just promise me you'll never do anything like that again, please."

Hoseok nodded, pecking Yoongi's lips before saying, "I promise." his words the truth, since he never wanted to put his family, friends, or love, in that kind of pain again.


"I've never met anyone lazier in my entire life," Yoongi huffed as he stared at Hoseok, who was laying on his hospital bed and looking up at the ceiling.

It was a couple days later, Hoseok was being discharged from the hospital, which was the same day Yoongi was told he can walk on his ankle again, he just had to be careful since it could be sore. So, Yoongi was helping Hoseok get ready to leave, the younger male being incredibly lazy.

Hoseok turned his head so he could look at Yoongi, his eyes narrowed, "Really? Have you met yourself?" he inquired, Yoongi now glaring at him. Hoseok already had his jeans and sneakers on, all he needed to put on was his shirt and they'd be ready to go.

Fed up with the younger male, Yoongi marched over to Hoseok and began forcefully putting the shirt on him. Lifting the younger males head up so he could slip the shirt on him. Hoseok putting his hands on Yoongi's hips, the elder ignoring the touch even it was a bit difficult.

Yoongi had a love hate relationship with how Hoseok's touch affected him. He loved it because it brought him pleasure and made him happy, but at the same time he hated it because it made him succumb to the younger. Hoseok knew how to get to him, like right now, at this moment.

With the shirt only around his neck, Hoseok pulled Yoongi closer to him and connected their lips.

Yoongi's hands went to Hoseok's shoulders, the younger pulling Yoongi on top of him. Hoseok turned his head to deepen their kiss, biting Yoongi's bottom lip lightly. Yoongi parted his lips for him, allowing Hoseok's tongue to enter his mouth. The red head's hands made their way further down Yoongi's hips, cupping his ass as they continued to makeout, Yoongi's hands already in Hoseok's hair.

"In a hospital, really?"

Hoseok and Yoongi jolted away from each other at the sound of someone's voice.

Both of them turned to look at SeokJin, who was standing at the doorway with his arms crossed over his broad chest. He had an eyebrow raised out of amusement, "Hurry up, you two can continue this-" Jin raised his hands in the air and motioned towards the two of them, "-back at Hoseok's place." with that Jin walked out of the room and closed the door.

The couple looked at one another before laughing their asses off, both their smiles breaking through as they did. Hoseok finished putting his shirt on while Yoongi wiped his own lips, getting rid of the saliva.

He turned to Hoseok, who was now standing, and fixed his hair. Hoseok pulled Yoongi close to his chest, whispering, "I love you," before kissing the crown of his head.

Yoongi blushed slightly, looking up at Hoseok, which caused his chin to rest on Hoseok's chest, and saying, "I love you too."

For the last chapter, if you've noticed how my titles work you wouldn't have been clowned 🤡😂

Also, double update :)

SOPE | Lie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora