(No) Lie Thirty Three : I was in love with you, first

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The anger that coursed through Min Yoongi's veins was something he has never felt before, not even towards his parents.

Hui did the same thing Yoongi's mother did, pushed someone to attempt suicide. Though, one of them succeeded, he prayed Hoseok wouldn't.

Yoongi knew where Hui usually hung out with his little gang of friends, it wasn't hard to track them down.

Especially when Hui posts his life all over social media.

Hui and his friends always hung out at Pentagon Park, pretty well known around the town they lived in since it had lots of things to do. A play ground, a basketball court, a pool (that was currently covered due to the weather), picnic tables, and a nice big field that many people used to play games or to just sit around and talk.

Today, this field would be used to beat Hui's ass.

Yoongi parked the car sloppily, not even caring for it as he slammed the door and locked it. He ignored the pain in his ankle, the poor limb screaming at him to stop whatever he was doing or he could potentially make the injury worse. But Yoongi didn't care, right now he needed to get revenge for his Seokie.

When he spotted Hui the male was with his friends, as expected, sitting on a bench near the field. It seemed like Hui had a cigarette in his hand, but it wasn't one he was using since he handed it to his friend seconds after Yoongi noticed the cancer stick.

The blue haired male walked over to where Hui was, a malicious expression on his features with his blue hair framing his forehead, his lip pursed into a thin line, hands clenched into fists, and thoughts focused on one thing.

Beating the living shit out of Lee Hoetaek.

"Not even close, Park Jimin's ass is way thicker than Hyuna's," one of the boys, Yuto, commented as he held a cigarette in his fingers. Eventually bringing it to his lips.

Another one of the guys, E'Dawn, scowled as he glared at his friend, "I don't appreciate you comparing my girlfriends ass to someone else's- HOLY SHIT!" his little scolding was cut off by Hui yelping loudly. He was being yanked off the bench from his hair, the person pulling him was Min Yoongi.

The friends all glanced at each other before nodding, all of them proceeding to run from the scene. They knew Hui could defend himself and they really didn't want to stick around to watch whatever was going to happen take place.

"You fucking asshole!" Yoongi screamed as he kicked Hui's stomach with his good foot, Hui curled up into a fetal position to keep himself protected from the angered male.

Yoongi crouched down on his knees, pulling Hui's hair once more so he could see the males face. With his fist clenched Yoongi punched Hui straight in the nose, then in the cheek, then in the jaw. He was losing himself. Tears were threatening Yoongi's eyes as he screamed curses and punched Hui as hard as he could, because doing this distracted him from the possibility of losing Hoseok.

Despite being beaten to a pulp, Hui began laughing like a maniac. He rolled away from Yoongi, which caused Yoongi's fists to make hard contact with the grass. Hui cupped his bleeding nose, he tilted his head up to stop the blood flow a bit, the male completely ignoring the pain on the rest of his body. Yoongi's beating didn't affect him as much as the blue haired male might have hoped, since Hui was just laughing about it.

Yoongi glared at him with glossy eyes, he just stayed crouched on the ground, "Because of you, you bastard, the love of my life could fucking die," he spat at him, wiping the tears that were coming down and landing on his cheeks, "how do you even live with yourself!?" he now yelled, Hui no longer laughing.

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