(No) Lie Thirty Two : I love you, Hoseok

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- Attempted Suicide
If you are triggered by this topic, I highly suggest you skip this chapter!!

Though startled by the young boy before him, Hayoon shakily pointed up the stairs that led to the hall full of the families bedrooms.

Hoseok had come home from school, kissed his mother on the cheek, before going to his bedroom. She did feel like something was off with him, though she brushed it off. But by how Yoongi was acting right now, she kind of regretted that decision.

Yoongi nodded as he ran up to Hoseok's bedroom, ignoring the slight pain in his ankle, and tried to open the door.

Only to find that it was locked.

"Hoseok!" Yoongi shouted, now pounding on the door with his fist, "Jung Hoseok open the fucking door!!" he shouted even louder, now attracting the attention of Dawon and the twins.

Yoongi heard a thump on the otherside of the door, as if something, or someone, had fallen to the ground. The blue haired male looked around the home frantically, his eyes settling on the bathroom that also led to Hoseok's bedroom.

He ran once again, opening the bathroom door then opening the door to Hoseok's bedroom. Which was thankfully left unlocked.

The elder fell to his knees when he saw the sight laid out before him, tears filling his eyes as he stared at his lover. Hayoon, who had followed Yoongi, screaming out of fear.

Hoseok was laying on his bedroom floor, blood coming spilling out of his wrists in huge heaps. He had two deep cuts on both his arms, cuts that were made by himself, and they were bleeding rapidly. The razor was still in Hoseok's hand, the younger male just laying on the ground and crying.

Yoongi crawled over to him, ignoring the blood that was soaking his jeans as he went to Hoseok's head and lifted the younger onto his lap. "Seokie, why?" he cried, holding the younger in his arms. He was thankfully still awake, "Why did you do this?!" Yoongi said in a louder tone, Hoseok's eyes moving to look at him.

As Yoongi held Hoseok, Hayoon dragged the twins to their bedroom and locked them in there; she didn't want her babies to have to see their big brother in that type of condition. The mother called 911, urging them to come to her house as quick as possible, her son could die! Dawon ran into Hoseok's bedroom where Yoongi was, she put pressure on the wound on one of his arms with some bandages, the female encouraging Yoongi to do the same.

"C'mon, Hobi," she cried, she never in a million years imagined herself in this kind of position with her younger brother. She could see he was paler than usual and his eyes were only focused on Yoongi, the blue haired boy crying.

"Yoongi," Hoseok called, grabbing Yoongi's hand as he spoke, "I-i'm sorry I wasn't good enough-" Hoseoks voice was quiet, barely audible even.

"Why would you say that!?" Yoongi yelled, his heart breaking in his chest as he put more pressure on Hoseok's arm to stop his bleeding. The younger already lost enough blood as it is, "I love you, Hoseok," he expressed, which caused Hoseok's eyes to widen the slightest bit, "I love you so much, you need to stay awake with me. Y-you can't leave me like this," he ranted on, Hoseok staring at his sobbing boyfriend. Yoongi moved Hoseoks hair out of his face, caressing the younger males cheek as he repeated how he loved him.

Hoseok gave him the smallest smile, his vision was fogging up and the young male found it increasingly difficult to stay awake at the moment. Even in his current state, he could tell Yoongi wasn't lying to him, he was surprised. Yoongi actually loved him.

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