(No) Lie Thirty Four : His whole world stopped spinning

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"So," Hayoon began, giving Songhee a small glance before staring back at her lap, "Yoongi's your son?"

Songhee swallowed the lump in her throat, her cheeks warming the slightest bit when she looked at the woman beside her, "Y-yeah," she stuttered, wanting to punch herself for doing so.

Yoongi was a lot like his mother.

Hayoon chuckled quietly, the quietness of the hospital making her feel even more impatient. SeokJin was at the hospital with her, the younger man like another son to her, but he went to get them food from the cafe. Which left her, basically, alone with her thoughts. Hayoon wanted to know if her son was okay, she wanted someone to tell her that everything was going to be fine and this overbearing fear she was feeling in her stomach could subside. Hayoon didn't want to lose her boy, because if she did, that would break her completely.

"I didn't even think about it when I saw him," Hayoon said, turning her body so she could face the quiet, younger, female beside her, "since his surname is Min, and yours was Kang." Hayoon smiled, but it wasn't a happy one, it was a smile full of regret, "I'm assuming Beom is his father, right?" Hayoon inquired, her hair falling beside her as she tilted her head to look at Songhee better.

Hayoon noticed how Songhee barely aged throughout the years.

Songhee nodded, "Yeah," she mumbled, "he's Yoongi's dad."

Hayoon just hummed, the two falling into another fit of silence.

Songhee sat there with her thoughts, which was usually never good. Before her thoughts could wonder to places she didn't want them to go to, she began tying her long black hair into a bun, it was something that could distract her. Hayoon noticed this, the female moving her own brown hair behind her ear.

"Becoming consumed by your thoughts?" Hayoon asked, which resulted in a small smile from Songhee.

She looked into the elder woman's eyes, which only made her fall into a deep dark hole of memories she willingly made herself forget. Jung Hayoon was always beautiful, with her light hazel eyes, hazelnut colored hair, fair complexion, and a gorgeous smile. "I-i didn't know he was your boy, Hoseok I mean, you and Jay made a handsome kid."

It was Hayoon's turn to blush, "Mhm," she hummed, looking into Songhee's deep brown eyes.

The two had history.

A history that looked a lot like Yoongi and Hoseok's, except for one thing.

Hayoon was the one with the all clean record, she was the one that barely had scars and she used to find them weird. Songhee had multiple scars, she was a shy girl, never spoke out much, she kept to herself. Though, even if she did, the two became the best of friends, that friendly love formed into romantic attraction.

All in Mr. Song's Creative Literature class their junior year.

Life, though, had other plans for both Hayoon and Songhee. They split up before their freshman year in college so they could both pursue their dreams, they wanted to keep in touch with each other but that didn't end up happening. The two lost touch, they never forgot about each other, but moved on with their lives.

Now here they were, fate bringing them back together in the weirdest of circumstances.

Before Hayoon or Songhee could say anything else, SeokJin came running back over to them with a doctor beside him. The blonde had three coffees in his hand, one for Songhee, one for Hayoon, and one for himself.

Hayoon quickly got up from her seat, walking over to the two men with Songhee trailing behind her quietly.

"You're Jung Hoseok's mother?" the doctor before them asked, she had light eyes and her hair was pulled into a tight bun. She had an intimidating aura but it seemed she was trying her best to look friendly.

Hayoon nodded, "Yes, yes I am, how is he?" she asked, her heart pounding in her chest so hard that she could hear it in her ears.

The woman before them sighed, opening the file that was in her hands, "He lost a lot of blood, and if you didn't bring him when you did there would have been a greater chance that he would have passed. Though, we were able to save him-"

"Oh! Thank god!" Hayoon yelled, causing others in the hospital to give her odd stares. The mother got on her knees in front of the doctor and bowed repeatedly to express her gratitude, "Thank you, thank you," she said over and over again, tears streaming down her cheeks. Songhee and SeokJin were already by her side, rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

The doctor gave her a small smile, speaking again when Hayoon got up from the floor, "But," Hayoon's heart dropped to the pits of her stomach, "he will be asleep for a couple days, his body needs to heal itself. We don't know when he'll wake up but it should be soon."

Tears welled up in Hayoon's hazel eyes, her breath coming out shaky, "So, your-you're telling me my boys in a coma?" she could feel SeokJin tense beside her, the blond haired boy holding back a sob.

A curt nod was the only physical response they got, "I'm sorry, Ms. Jung, due to his excessive blood loss that was his body's reaction. We don't think, we hope, it won't last long since he is breathing on his own. You may see him if you wish." after those words were spoken the doctor was whisked away by a nurse, the woman gave them one last bow before she left.

Hayoon covered her face as she let herself drop to the ground, loud sobs racking through her body, which only added to her pain.

Songhee felt extreme sympathy for Hayoon, she could understand what she must have been feeling. Songhee lost her son to suicide, she prayed that Hayoon wouldn't have to experience that level of pain.

So, she pulled Hayoon close to her, whispering sweet nothing into her ear and telling her that everything would be okay. That was the only way she could think of calming her down.

SeokJin was sitting on one of the hospital chairs, his head in his hands as he cried silently. He lost Hoseok once with his disappearance and all, and he didn't want to lose the younger male because of this.

When Hayoon calmed herself down, or at least composed herself, is when she made the fretful call to her sons lovely boyfriend.

Min Yoongi.


The moment Yoongi heard Hayoon's voice, he knew the news wasn't good.

"Hayoon?" he inquired, biting his bottom lip to keep himself from shaking, "is he okay?" he asked, hoping the answer would be a joyful yes.

Alas, it wasn't.

He heard Hayoon sniffle before she began speaking, "N-no, i'm sorry, Yoongi, but the doctor said that he's basically in a coma from his excessive blood loss."

Yoongi could swear is heart stopped beating in his chest, he swore that the whole world stopped spinning. His whole world stopped spinning. He knew Hayoon would never joke around about something like this, it wasn't something the woman would do, even if she could be a jokster.

"Yoongi?" Hayoon questioned, worried by the lack of response she recieved.

Said male took a deep, shaky, breath, he was trying to hold back his tears, "D-do they know when he'll wake up?"

"No, they said it shouldn't be long, maybe a couple days," she responded, Yoongi could hear some voices on the other line.

He sighed, running his fingers through is hair before he told, "I'll be at the hospital soon, I promise." which was not a lie.

Hayoon hummed, "Okay, sweetie."

When the call ended is when Yoongi allowed himself to breakdown.

*hands food and plushies*

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