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Let Me Down Slowly - Alec Benjamin. Another song for Collin.

Songs at the beginning, or no? Comment what you think.

~Collin POV~

I was very confused as I found my seat in class, ignoring the stares I was getting for coming in late. All I had on my mind was Kyle.

Why was he there? What happened to him, and how'd he get the bruises? And why did he jump out of his window..? Actually, why did he tell me in the first place? He didn't have to tell me... and he looked almost scared. I wonder what happened to him to make him like this, to-

A hand slamming on my desk snapped me out of my thoughts instantly. Several other students were chuckling around me, at me. I flinched and looked up, fighting myself to not cower away from Mr. Weston as he glared, leaning down and closer to me. I didn't even have to think about it; this teacher hated me, and he made it known. He hated all gays, but me especially. I never knew why, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. "I asked you a question, Mr. Reech! Now, are you going to join the rest of the class, or do I need to give you a detention for zoning out?"

I could feel my heart pounding. I didn't want detention. My stepdad would find out, and that wouldn't be fun... "I-I'm sorry, Mr. W-Weston, it won't h-happen again," I stammered, anxiety flooding my veins.

He gave me a stern look. If looks could kill, I'd be on death's doorstep right now. After being thoroughly satisfied in how visibly nervous I was, he stood tall, looking down on me. Both literally, and figuratively. "Then I suppose I shouldn't have to repeat myself again to you. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Reech?" I nodded quickly, and thankfully, he began to return to the front of the room. "Now that we have your full presence in class, would you mind telling me who our second president was?"

He likely thought I didn't know. It was kinda hard not to, with how much the American history we were all learning in his class had already been pounded in our brains through previous years of school. "J-John Adams," I muttered, hating my stutter. Thankfully, Mr. Weston resumed teaching the class after that, taking the attention off of me. I forced myself to keep focused on the class. It turned out to be a good thing, because Mr. Weston tried multiple times to catch me zoning out again. The bell rang, and I practically sprinted out of there, relieved that I had narrowly missed getting a detention.

Third period passed uneventfully. Fourth, I was too busy watching the clock on the wall, as if willing it to tick faster, anything to make the bell ring sooner. It was dreadfully, painfully slow. I didn't even pay attention as Mr. Stevenson rambled on about whatever book we were gonna be starting. I mentally groaned at how long this class was taking. Why was I so eager, just to have lunch with Kyle?

The blasted bell finally rang, nearly startling me out of my seat, even though I had been waiting impatiently for it all morning. I gathered my stuff quickly, making my way out to the hall to wait for Kyle while trying my best to avoid getting trampled by the crowds that rushed by. Within moments, he showed up, almost seeming to appear out of nowhere. "Hey," he said, walking up to me.

"Hi," I replied, inwardly cringing at my awkwardness. We started walking to my battered locker.

"Where do you wanna eat?"

I glanced up at him. He wasn't even looking at me right now. Well, at least I'm not the only awkward one here... "A-anywhere is fine... I typically eat in the bathroom, but-" I cut myself off in an instant, face flushed with embarrassment as I mentally whacked myself. But I'm the more awkward of the two of us, for sure. Why the heck did I just say that..?

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