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~Kyle POV~

...He had healed me. Healed my bruises, healed my ankle, healed whatever else could've possibly been broken. True, my body had ached when I woke up, and it didn't seem like the magic was effective on my throbbing throat, but... he'd healed me?

Why? Why would he even be nice to me in the first place? I had fucking yelled at him and was borderline ready to attack and defend... yet it hadn't scared him away? He'd stayed with me to make sure I was okay, and he'd actually helped?

Maybe I really can trust-

No. Trust no one. Remember?

But maybe... just maybe... at least, talking a bit can't hurt... can it?

I don't know why I decided to start talking. But I did. Told him how my ankle got injured, starting off with something that easy. At least for the questions he asked, he didn't actually force me to answer if I didn't want to. Yeah, I was still wary of him. No way I could become that trusting of someone this fast. But... I guess I was giving him a chance.


"Wait." A thought crossed my mind: we had school today. "What time is it?" Even as I asked, I pulled out my phone at the same time he looked at his. 6:34AM. Welp, guess both of us are fucking late. Oh well. "A few minutes won't hurt. The school won't care with me, and I'll get them to let you off the hook, too."

"Really..?" Collin asked, looking at me with a hesitance in his eyes. "How..?"

"Yeah, really. And same way I'm allowed to do whatever the fuck I want, and why I haven't been expelled for how many classes I've missed." I let out a short, half-amused chuckle as I smirked, even though it really wasn't all that funny. "Anyway, we better get walking." I stood up, needing to lean against the plastic wall of the booth while I waited for my balance to kick in. After my throat would get one of its attacks, it always messed something up in me that takes a while to reset back to normal. It's annoying as hell, but I'm used to the shit by now.

"Are you ok..?" Collin was watching me, clearly concerned. Thankfully, he didn't try to help me; I might be - without his awareness - trying to give him a chance, but that did not mean I would be comfortable with any unnecessary form of contact yet. I nodded in response as I started to walk out and away from the bus stop. My ankle felt a little weird, probably aftereffects of the healing, but it wasn't painful. Nor was the healing ache or whatever-it's-called a foreign feeling. My aunt always used to heal me when I was hurt...

I miss her.

After a few minutes of walking, another question entered my mind that had slipped it previously. "Why didn't you call an ambulance or something when I passed out?"

Collin froze just long enough for me to notice before he hurried to keep up with me. "It d-didn't cross my mind... s-sor-"

"Don't be sorry. I'm glad you didn't." His expression became one of confusion. "I fucking hate hospitals." I knew my voice took on an almost vehement undertone with that sentence. If I could, I'd never set foot in one of those places again. I've been in too many kinds of them, for too many different reasons... I held back a shudder at the memories, mostly of the various events that got me sent to them. Just because you're trying something here doesn't mean act damn vulnerable like that in front of him. "So thanks for not calling them," I finished calmly, although inside I definitely did not feel calm.

Collin nodded, walking a few silent paces before asking, "Would it be too much to ask why you hate them..?"

"Yes. It would be." I really did not want to fucking talk about it. He seemed to accept that, and we continued in silence.

The school loomed in the distance shortly. We had walked a little slower, so it was nearly second period by the time we finally reached the boring hellhole.

The aging lady sitting at the desk in the school's front office looked up at us, an unamused expression crossing her face when she saw me through the glasses that fit snugly on the bridge of her nose. Despite her firmness, Mrs. Smith was actually very caring, at least when it came to me. "You can't keep coming in here late like this, Mr. Layden," she reprimanded softly. Even when being strict with me, she always had an air of gentleness around her. I've noticed it more with me than with anybody else. Probably because she knows my basic story, as well as my condition, but oh well. If damn pity gets me a free pass and a speck of kindness, so be it.

"I know. Can't exactly help the attacks, though," I explained, pointing to my throat just long enough to get the message across. She nodded. "And don't mark him as late," I added, motioning to Collin with my head. "He stopped to help, so that's why."

"Ok," Mrs. Smith replied, typing into her computer. "Name, sweetie?" She looked over at Collin, who instantly appeared nervous as her gaze settled on him.

"C-Collin Reech," he stammered out.

She repeated it slowly to herself as she typed it into the system, likely to excuse him in the school's records for missing first period. She looked back up, smiling at us. "Alright, get to class now. Second period just started."

"K, thanks. Bye, Mrs. Smith." I led Collin back out of the office, walking him to his current class. "So, uh.. See ya later?"

Collin looked up at me as he stood, hand on the doorknob. "Yeah, if you want to..."

"Lunch?" He hesitated, thinking over my offer, seeming a little surprised by the suddenness. "I'll meet ya outside your fourth period class if you want."

Now he definitely looked caught off guard. He nodded after a moment, stuttering out his words. "Y-yeah... M-Mr. Stevenson, English..."

"Alright. I'll see ya then." We parted ways before even more awkwardness could settle in.

That whole exchange left me with only one question, off which stemmed many more: Why? Why do I want to try with him? 

Been really busy lately, but felt like posting another chapter today.

How you guys liking the story and characters so far?

Please be sure to drop a COMMENT or a VOTE!! Keep me motivated!

See ya guys next update, and have a great day/night!


Shadows Fading (BxB)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora