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~Collin POV~

I was panicking.

Kyle wasn't responding, only coughing. And then that stopped, too. He was completely unconscious.

That was when I lost it.

Ignoring his previous request - well, demand, more accurately - of not being touched, I rushed towards him, trying to peek past his hands and at his throat, which seemed to be the troubled area. My thin fingers slipped in, touching it just enough for me to feel the contact. Touch was the only way that most types of magic, mine included, could be transmitted, so I didn't care if I was going against what he wanted. Even as my magic tried to find something to heal in that particular area, it couldn't; only other areas needed healing. I pulled away, peeking at his neck myself, then froze. It was hard to see, nearly invisible in the dim lighting, but I could see a thick scar on his neck. What happened to you..? I wondered, but I wouldn't ask. Heck, he wouldn't even tell me why he was asleep under the bus stop's bench, or why he seemed to be in pain, or explain his confusing emotions. Why would he tell me his past and a scar he likely didn't want to remember?

True, he had just yelled at me, but... I could almost see an underlying fear in his eyes. A hurt, a pain, a brokenness deep down inside, hidden away where he thought nobody would see it. I almost missed it myself, if I hadn't recognized it as a feeling of my own.

I have to help him.

But how?

I had no clue what to do. He was unconscious, but at least he was breathing normally now, and it seemed like all his vitals, or at least the ones I could sense, were working. I situated him so he was still in the corner, in a semi-curled position, with his hands near but not on his throat. I didn't want it to be obvious that I had moved him, but the way he had been previously looked borderline uncomfortable.

After I had backed away from Kyle's body, I glanced down at the awkward way his left ankle, the one that had been previously covered by his right leg, was bent. Taking a closer look, I noticed a strip of fabric that looked like it was cut off from the bottom of a shirt wrapped around it. He really knows how to wrap it well... I tapped a single finger to it, then pulled back as he twitched. Even more carefully this time, I slowly touched the ankle again. It felt swollen. As my magic came into play, I could tell that it was likely sprained or entirely broken. It moved a little as the flesh healed itself, and I only pulled away once I was sure it was completely healed. It would ache when he woke up, but it had to be better than before he passed out. Plus, he'd be able to put weight on it now.

Going on a whim of curiosity, and also a little concern, I let my power radiate throughout his body as I touched him again. I could sense dozens of bruises, old and new, beginning to heal, along with a few improperly healed parts fixing themselves. How did all these happen..? I sighed quietly to myself, keeping my hand on him as the magic continued. Only when I couldn't feel any more healable injuries did I finally relinquish the contact, moving to sit against the bench.

Why? Why had he been here, of all places, asleep and almost hiding underneath the bench? And why did he have all those bruises and other injuries? I couldn't imagine him getting beat like this in a fight; he was too good a fighter from what I'd seen for that. So, what happened?

A groggy groan startled me from where I had nearly fell asleep. I opened my eyes, not even having realized that I closed them in the first place, and was instantly met with a cautious glare. His deep brown eyes were swirling with confusion, wariness, and slight hints of the previous fear and aggression.

At least he's awake again.

Kyle simply stared at me, unnerving me after a few moments. I broke eye contact, unable to stay under his unwavering gaze. He then let out a huffed sigh, looking away himself, although I could still feel his eyes on me. Then: "Why... did you help?" At my questioning expression, he explained further. "You... you healed me, didn't you..?" I nodded. "Why?"

"Because I-" I paused, thinking. "Well, I wanted to help you, and that was the least I could do... you were hurt, healing is my... my power..."

"But why? I even fucking yelled at you to stay away, yet you still helped me." He seemed genuinely perplexed.

"Why did you help me yesterday?" I chanced a glance at him; he wasn't watching me now, instead staring into the distance at nothing, appearing to be almost lost in thought. "I couldn't just leave you here, injured like you were. Especially not after you passed out... I wanted to make sure you were ok."

He hesitated, then replied with a simple "I'm fine."

"No, you're not. Passing out isn't fine. Having dozens of bruises and a sprained, maybe broken ankle is not fine. I don't want to force you to tell me anything. But you can't just deny it and say you're fine."

I heard him sigh audibly, almost as if he were arguing my point in his head before giving up. "Then fine. I'm not. Still doesn't mean you had to help, or even should've wanted to in any way."

"But I did."

Neither one of us said anything after that. We simply sat in silence. It was both awkward and comfortable at the same time, although how it could be was lost to me.

His sudden words brought me out of my neutral state, surprising me. Well, it surprised me that he spoke at all, but even more so with what he was saying.

"The ankle was from jumping out my window. My room's second floor." Kyle spoke in an unexpectedly steady voice.

When he didn't continue, I dared to speak. "And the bruises..?"

"Don't wanna talk about those," he answered curtly, although his tone was actually somewhat normal. He's actually... talking with me..?

"And... why'd you pass out..?" I hesitated to ask, not wanting to push him too far with questions, but it didn't seem to be a problem as he answered.

"I don't sleep. Can't. If I do, then I barely get any."

"But the chok-"

"No." He cut me off before I could even finish the word. His tone alone displayed how much he wanted that topic left alone.

I wasn't about to argue.

After all, he was opening up to me... right?

Somewhat shorter chapter, but we got some development going on here! A little relationship forming... Well, maybe. Thoughts on either of them?

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Hope you all have a great day or night, wherever you are, and see ya next update!


Shadows Fading (BxB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora