i have all the ways to love you ↗ taejin

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i have all the ways to love you ↗ taejin

epilogue to you drag, i light (tell me all the ways to love you)


"i must say, mr. kim, i'm really impressed!" the older woman spoke, an american accent playing her words.

taehyung laughed, "thank you."

"i mean, all of these are wonderful... but that one, i just feel so much emotion from it, you know?" the man next to her pointed at one of the works.

taehyung's eyes travelled to the painting he was talking about. the painting of the very familiar boy.

"yeah... it was one of the first ones i made. it means a lot to me." taehyung smiled proudly, warmth pooling in his heart.

"anyways, i must leave now." taehyung smiled, checking the time on his watch, "i'm glad you came to visit." he said.

"oh! no, it's our pleasure we got to see the kim taehyung's gallery, finally!" the woman laughed.

taehyung waved his hand in dismissal, smiling as he walked away to his car.

he got in and hummed, plugging the keys in to turn on the ignition. he checked himself on his rear view mirror, before fixing his hair and driving.

when he reached the high end restaurant, he could see lines of cars with people in suits walk out of their vehicles; at the sight he smiled happily.

he, instead of going through the front, reached the back instead, parking in front of the employee exit doors.

within a minute, seokjin was coming out of the door, bundled in layers of coats and scarfs – the new york cold hadn't affected taehyung a lot, but seokjin, not so much.

the smaller boy entered the passenger seat with a smile on his face, he reached across to peck taehyung on the lips briefly.

"hey, babe," he giggled, "how was work today?"

"good," taehyung sighed, "this couple came to talk to me. they were really nice about my gallery – and my broken english," he chuckled, making seokjin laugh.

seokjin hummed, and after a silence of few moments, seokjin shrieked, "oh my fuck – taehyung wait, you won't believe this!"

"what?" taehyung said, as he stopped at a red light. seokjin shoved his phone in taehyung's hands, which had a facebook page opened.

jeon jeongguk.

his eyes scanned over the social media account of his old friend, pictures of himself, food, location changed to seoul, and –


"engaged to park jimin!" taehyung shrieked as well, looking at his husband in surprise, and shock.

"i know right!" seokjin laughed, "to think after all that shit-talking, they'd get together." he sighed.

"wow, i'm so happy for them." taehyung sighed.

"me too." seokjin agreed, before he fiddled with his fingers, "tae... have you – i mean, i'm just asking but uh, have you thought about engagement?" he asked meekly, nervous.

taehyung smiled, intertwining his fingers with the latter, "all the time," he confirmed, kissing the skin, "i've thought about it ever since we became friends. of course i want to marry you. now that our careers our stable and we have a house," he paused, "tell me your ring size, already." he laughed.

seokjin chuckled, tears welling up in his eyes, "sorry, i'm getting weirdly emotional." he sighed, rubbing at his eyes, "i've wanted this for really long, you know?" he sniffled.

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