Just The Girl.

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"I don't know! I was just thinking about doing the spell!" She kicked the book viciously. "Wand technique, pronunciation-"

"That's your problem," interrupted Stiles. "You're thinking about how to do the spell, when what you need to be doing is visualizing it happening. Accio." The book flew into his hand, and he handed it to her with a smile. "Try it again, but this time, focus on imagining the book transforming into the crow. It'll happen. You just need to be the catalyst."

Lydia swallowed hard, nervous to have him watching her so closely. She squeezed her eyes shut, and imagined a glossy, oil-slick black crow, rising from the book as if it was a fish just below the surface of the water, the image becoming clearer and clearer...

Stiles let out a triumphant laugh, and Lydia's eyes snapped open. She blinked a couple of times at the bird in front of her, making sure it was real. The shock in her voice was obvious, even to her.

"I did it."

"Yeah!" Stiles cheered quietly, grinning proudly at her. The bird changed back with a wave of his wand, and Lydia smiled happily.

"That's fantastic! McGonagall can suck it," she giggled. "Thanks, Stilinski."

Stiles looked at her strangely, silent for a moment.

"Sure, Martin," he finally replied. The room was still and quiet, the flames in the fireplace no longer dancing gleefully for their audience, but flickering pathetically as they died.

"Um," Lydia started, clearing her throat awkwardly. "How's Defense Against The Dark Arts going?" 

"Mmm," he mumbled, shrugging. "Patronuses are pretty easy. Same basic principle as Transfiguration. Imagination is more important than knowledge in both, you know?"

"Ugh. Of course you would find them easy," said Lydia bitterly. "I've been working on mine for weeks, and I'm still struggling."

Stiles laughed at that.

"Well? You gonna show me or what?" He nudged her playfully.

Lydia wondered when they had gotten to the point where their relationship was in a Jeckyl and Hyde state. They could be perfectly civil, occasionally even flirty during the nights, when it was just the two of them and they were exhausted from classes, but the days, however, were another story entirely. They went from civil to civil war in the space of a few hours, and Stiles delighted in teasing Lydia at every opportunity. Not necessarily in a cruel way, but she wanted to throw her textbook at his head most of the time.

That evening, though... that split second in the shadowy alcove, she had thought he was going to kiss her. And she would have let him. It didn't make sense, of course, and yet, there was a tiny, hidden part of her that had wanted him to kiss her. And Lydia wasn't ready to deal with that part of her yet. So she put it on mute and ignored it.

"Fine," she said grudgingly. "I'll show you."

Lydia closed her eyes again, her brow furrowed in concentration and her cheeks pink as she held her breath, exhaling with her words.

"Expecto Patronum."

A stream of silver mist shot out of the end of her wand, closely followed by a massive, pure white shape, taller than she was when standing, but not by much. It glowed softly in the dim common room, poised as if ready to flee at the first sign of danger. A shimmering, elegant doe.

It faded away in a cloud of opaque fog, the white light disappearing with it. Stiles was pretty sure he had stopped breathing. His lips were parted slightly, and goosebumps had sprung up all over his body.

Enchanted - A Stydia / Jily AU - Teen WolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang