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Edit!!! Second book first chapter published

Okay okay. I know a lot of the stuff in my book resembles Harry Potter. So I'm going to clarify a few things before I even consider publishing the second book.
One. Anyone who reads any supernatural book about an academy or a school will AUTOMATICALLY think of Harry Potter.
Two. Yes I know the headmaster has a Phoenix. Why because I spend hours researching mythical bird that were indoors size could cary a full grown person and be theoretically tameable being a mythical creature and all.
Two. Nigiri. Oh My God! It was going to turn into a running joke. Nigiri the sushi. In the second book victor will have another companion name Temaki. Another form of sushi. God for bid I try and extend a joke over two books. 🙄
Three. The girls entrance to the games. It's a display of femininity. I'll repeat DISPLAY OF FEMININITY!!! What else would you have a group girls do that is choreographed and shows how petty and girly they are! Please comment your opinions if you think you could have done better!
Four. Yes I know my grammar sucks. I know I have misspelled a lot of words. And basically fucked up in places believe me there are chapters I want to completely erase because I hate them.

Now that I have cleared that up.
The second book is underway finally. My original idea for the second book didn't work and wasn't going anywhere so I changed the whole seconds book and started again. I deeply apologise to those who are waiting eagerly for the second book. But I'll hopefully have the first couple chapters out by the end of October. If your want a blurb for the second book drop us a comment below and I'll add a blurb in the form of another chapter on this book
Thank you. Love you beautiful people 🥰
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