Hitoshi x Male Reader: "Why does your brother hate me so much?"

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(M/N)- Male Name

''- Thoughts

(M/N) was walking back to the main office of Building 3 after taking the inmates back to there cells after lunch.

'These days are always the most tiring,' he sighed opening the door, 'at least I didn't have to deal with--.'

"(M/N)!" Kiji screamed clinging to him as he walked through the door.

"Mitsuba-san! What's gotten into you?! Get off!" He screamed back prying his supervisor off.

"Oh, Darling, my make-up isn't blotchy, is it?!" Kiji cried dramatically.

"Huh?" (M/N) questioned.

"It's not blotchy, right?!" Kiji repeated shaking him frantically.

"Of course not! Now please stop shaking me!" He got out of Kiji's hold, "Who told you that?"

"That Hajime did," Kiji took out his compact mirror and observed his face.

'Of course it was! As if my life wasn't hectic enough being a Nanba guard. Why does he have to make my life more difficult?!' (M/N) groaned, 'on the bright side, it is time for my break and I can spend it with Hitoshi~.'

"(M/N), you are helping me fix this!" Kiji graded his arm and dragged him to the break room.

"What?! But I was going to spend my break with Toshi! Get Ruka to help you not me!" He struggled but his protests fell on deaf ears. That break, his only break, he spent trying to "fix" his supervisor's make-up.

****After Work****

"Ah, what a day," (M/N) sighed opening his apartment door, "Hitoshi, I'm home!"

Stepping into the shared apartment he briefly turned around to close and lock the door. In those brief moments, he was embraced from behind.

"Welcome home, honey!" Hitoshi exclaimed.

"No.82, get back in your cell!" (M/N) yelled in reflex at the name.

Hitoshi giggled, "I'm sorry, (M/N). I forgot that I can't use that nickname anymore."

(M/N) turned around to embrace him back, "no, I'm sorry, sweetie. I was suppose to spend my break with you but...something came up last minute."

Hitoshi looked up at him with a head tilt, "what happened?"

(M/N) exhaled, "your brother is what happened."

"Big brother Hajime?" Hitoshi questioned, "what did he do?"

(M/N) sighed for what felt like the 100th time that day, "he told Mitsuba-san that his make-up was blotchy right before my break."

He smiled nervously, "I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose."

(M/N) chuckled at his attempt to justify his brother, "I'm sure after the 60th time he didn't mean it."

He chuckled too, "okay, maybe he did do it on purpose."

"Why does your brother hate me so much? You'd think that after the marriage he would ease up on me," (M/N) asked his husband.

"I don't know either," Hitoshi admitted with a slightly sad tone. It was obvious that the constant fighting of the two men in his life was upsetting him.

"Well, whatever the case it doesn't matter. We'll get along eventually because I'm not giving up the one who's just right for me." (M/N) stared at him with undying love.

Hitoshi, although embarrassed, felt content and overjoyed to hear him say that. In those short few seconds, they gravitated towards each other. Their lips mere centimeters away when a bang was heard at the door scaring the young couple.

"You invited Hajime for dinner, didn't you?" (M/N) asked over the sound of the consistent banging at the door.

"Maybe?" Hitoshi said with coy.

(M/N) released Hitoshi so he could open the door.

'This is going to be a long night,' he groaned already dreading the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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