Random Nanba Stories: Prank Gone Wrong, Gone Sexual

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A/N: I just wanted to warn anyone who reads this to expect something a little different than what I've been writing before and there will be mention of the virgin killer sweater, a very suggestive sweater.  In this story, there is no x reader but a random story that would happen if the reader were to work at Nanba Prison.  Maybe I can make this into a series because I like doing these type of stories. And as always, I hope you enjoy!

Samon was just walking through the Halls of Nanba to get to the guard room due to being called by Mitsuru to HQ. As he was walking towards his destination, he kept noticing that the guards leaving that general direction were acting strangely.

Some had their heads down and were walking/running at fast paces. Others were beet red, in a daze, or had a nose bleed. And what was even more bizarre were the responses that he got from them when he asked them why they were acting weird. He got vague, suggestive, or even stuttered responses.

The mystery only continued when he got to the guard room, or more like when he was stopped by a wall of his fellow supervisors just crowding the door.

"What the hell is happening here?" Samon asked when he walked up to the other supervisors.

Kenshirou was the one who turned around to face him and to Samon's surprise, he was blushing one of the deepest hues of red he has ever seen. Kenshirou didn't say a word but instead pointed a finger inside the room and gave Samon space to squeeze through to see what was going on.

Samon was confused by his gesture but still looked in while saying,"Okay, but all of you are acting wei-"

His mouth went slack and his face went the same shade as the reddest rose at the sight before him.

Before him, and everyone else, was (Y/N) straddling and strangling Mitsuru with the warden watching with a cold glare at the male on the floor, not once acknowledging the please for help from said man.

All this was normal here in Nanba Prison but what had the supervisors blushing and slack-jawed was the fact that you were wearing the sexiest article of clothing they have ever seen, the Virgin killer sweater.

"I said I was sorry," Mitsuru defended as much as he could with the lack of oxygen getting to his head.

"No, you didn't," you hissed at him tightening your grip," and even if you did do you really think I'm just going to let this slide!? I have an image to keep here in Nanba, you moron!"

"Yeah, but now you're known as deadly and sexy," Mitsuru whizzed as he started losing consciousness.

"Argh, I'll murder you!" You roared at him tightening your fist until he actually passed out.

"Alright, that's enough (Y/N)," Momoko finally spoke up after that and pried you off of him.

"Oh, I'm just getting started," you threatened," he threw paint at me and got rid of any other spare clothes there may be, forcing me to wear this. He ruined not only my clothes but my image!"

"It didn't ruin anything, right supervisors?" Momoko turned to her workers and they all nodded," see, now come on, I'll give you some spare clothes I have."

You sighed, finally calming down, before following, correction, being dragged by your lovely cousin to ensure that you won't attack Mitsuru again when she turns her back, to get you some more suitable clothes.

All the supervisors watched as you both left the room before dispersing to their respected buildings, all of them with the same expressions as the guards beforehand. 

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