Honey x Reader: ...and Honey

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(F/F) - Favorite Flavor


"Why am I wearing this stupid costume?!" Hissed a violet-headed boy whose hair turned into tiny arrows at his best friend (Y/N).

It was that time of year again where it was acceptable to wear costumes of any kind and people can get candy from strangers by saying the magical phrase "trick or treat!" Yes, it was Halloween and the two little friends were excited.

Every year, they wore costumes that complemented the other's like the year prior where she dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and Honey was the Big Bad Wolf. It gained them many treats when they did it and this year was not going to be different. Except, (Y/N) wanted to pick out the costumes. Which Honey was okay with until now. She had decided on a flavor-themed costume and what flavor did she choose for her dear bestie Honey? Why, honey of course! Though he was not pleased with the attire.

At the moment, he was irritated with the Winnie the Pooh style honey pot costume that she had forced him to wear the moment he walked into her house.

"Oh, come on, Honey!" Teeny (Y/N) whined in her very own flavor costume, (F/F), " that costume is perfect for you! Maybe even meant for you!"

"Oh really?" He commented with sarcasm and an eye roll but she ignored it.

"Yes!" She exclaimed walking over to him and slipping her hand into his," your name is Honey after all. Besides..." She leaned over to peak his cheek rapidly leaving Honey stunned.

"You taste like honey!"

"Then," Honey returned the favor when he regained his senses, he kissed her cheek," you taste like (F/F)."

(Y/N) smiled bashfully at him as he found himself hating the costume a little less than before. With that said and done, the duo walked out of the house hand in hand as...(F/F) and honey.

****End of FlashBack****

You sighed with exasperation as you sat in Building 13th's mess hall picking at the delectable slice of cake that was given to you and your friends courtesy of Shiro. Sadly, you couldn't enjoy the pastry but not because it wasn't up to par with his usual creations, far from it. You were simply irritated with that morning's events.

You were sound asleep laying on your fiance, Honey when Kiji barged into the cell and he made you three get up at an ungodly hour--you thought it was at least. You all opted to ignore him, thinking that if he continued his rant long enough you all could sleep a while longer, as you had all done before. The plan was working perfectly...Until Trois started coughing a little and Kiji noticed Honey's slightly flushed face. You were tossed like a ragdoll off Honey and jerked awake to see Kiji drag the two off to the medical wing. That happened in the morning and now it was dinner time.

Sighing again, you unblocked the noises around you to focus on your friend's conversation.

"Jyugo would definitely be vanilla," Uno stated matter-of-factly.

"Why would I be vanilla?" Jyugo asked with annoyance.

"Because you're plain and boring," Uno shot back without hesitation resulting in Jyugo sulking in his seat next to you because he knew that it was true.

Somehow, while you were twitching with furry and worry at that morning's events your friends had started comparing everyone's personalities to flavors.

You softly grinned at Jyugo while stroking his back," aw, don't be upset that you're vanilla. It's the most commonly used flavor and when combined with other flavors it enhances the taste."

Jyugo stopped sulking momentarily to take in what you had told him. Then, a grin blossomed on his face leading you to believe that he took your words as a compliment--as they were intended to be.

"What flavor would (Y/N) be?" Qi questioned.

"Obviously she would be a spicy flavor," Uno winked at you, earning an eye roll," because of how hot she is."

"I would have thought because of how intimidating she can be when she is furious," Liang commented and everyone shivered remembering the last time it happened.

"I think she would be a sweet flavor," Nico smiled, gaining an 'aw' from you," because she's so nice."

"And because of the soft spot she has for Nico, Upa, Jyugo, and Honey," Rock added.

"What flavor do you think you are (Y/N)?" Jyugo asked you and the others turned to you to hear the answer.

"I'm honestly not sure." You tapped your chin in thought.

The discussion was starting up again but was cut short before a definite answer was reached by Kiji. The others and yourself were protesting to allow you to stay longer but Kiji was very convincing.

"I guess Honey will have to wait in the empty cell...all alone," Kiji faked pity with a solemn look on his face and, to top it all off, a hand on his cheek.

You were quick to hop out of your seat and drag a laughing Kiji away from the other inmates who laughed as well.

****Short Time Skip****

It had been a while since you've got back to the cell and indeed Honey was all alone in the cell. Honey informed you that Trois indeed did have a slight fever. It prevented him from returning and he had to stay.

Currently, as they waited for curfew they sat next to each other watching a ninja movie with that actor that Honey liked so much, Tsukumo. He was enthralled with the actor on screen but you weren't. Instead, your concentration wandered to the topic of lunch. It sort of bothered you that everyone else had a designated flavor but you. It really shouldn't yet it did!

You sighed with irritation and flopped on the cell floor starfish style in frustration at all the flavor possibilities you could be! Honey took notice at your internal debate and asked with knitted eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"It's stupid," you said with a frown, "you'd laugh at me if I told you."

Now it was Honey's turn to sigh, "no I won't, I promise, so now tell me."

Giving in you told him, "okay, at dinner today we got on the topic of what flavor everyone was--well, almost everyone. We never got to me and while I know it sounds silly to be upset not to know what flavor you are it's still bothering me!"

Yup, you were right, Honey would have laughed at you but he reframed from doing so. One, because he promised you he wouldn't and two, even if he hadn't he knew how terrifying you were when angered. He stared at you as your eyes looked at the ceiling with despair, movie long forgotten as he thought of a way cheer you up. He racked his brain for ideas when a memory from one Halloween came to his mind. He smiled at the sweet, fond memory the two shared and knew what to do. He crawled up to you and obstructed your view of the ceiling as well as snapping you from your thought.

You gave him a questioning look as he smirked at you. The answer became clear when he kissed you on the lips. You blush having not expected him to do that but returned the kiss all the same. After a moment, he pulled away from the kiss but his breath was still felt on your lips.

Gazing lovingly into your eyes Honey spoke softly, as if not to ruin the moment, "you taste like (F/F)."

"Then," you pecked his lips, "you taste like honey."

They stared at each other with bashful expressions before connecting lips again for an equally loving kiss as before.

That night on Halloween was certainly not the only or last time they were...(F/F) and honey.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted anything on here and I am sorry for that. When life gets you down it really hits you where it is most hurtful but I am doing better. I have a couple more stories written--all that is left to do is type them, proofread them for mistakes, and finally post them on here. It may not be this week but possibly in the weeks that follow. School can really take up a ton of your time if you are not careful. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if not that is fine too, it just wasn't your cup of tea. Thank you all very much for reading this little note and see all of you next week!

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