Hajime X Reader- How are you, siblings!?

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"Hey, Hajime I just turned in the reports!" you exclaimed happily as you walked into the guard room.

"Do you have to be so loud about it!? I swear you're just like Yamato!" Hajime shouted at you from his desk before letting out a sigh. "But thanks for turning in the reports for me."

"Oh, sorry Hajime," You say this time more calmly, taking a seat on the couch, "But thanks for the compliment. Most people say my brother and I are very different."

"I can see why" Hajime grumbles.

It was very true. You and your brother, Yamato, were very different. From your appearance to your personalities, heck most people would think you two were dating before thinking you were siblings.

"That reminds me where is Yamato?" Hajime inquired, raising a brow. "I sent him to watch the inmates but they're supposed to be back in their cells by now?"

"Really? But I saw him training outside awhile ago with No.99." You answered looking at your supervisor.

He shot up, "What!?" Hajime replied angrily, startling you a little bit in the process. Then in the blink of an eye, he was out of the room.

'Great the room is a mess now.' You thought to yourself picking up the scattered paper, 'I should probably take the inmates back to their cells when I'm done here...? Yeah, I should do that.'

****Time Skip****

"Dammit, Yamato this is the fifth time this week and it's only Wednesday," Hajime yelled at Yamato.

"HAHAHAHAHA, sorry sir!" Yamato replies with his signature laugh and smile.

Hajime sighed, 'How are you and (Y/N) even related, let alone siblings!?' He wondered.

"I'm back from taking the inmates back to their cells." You called out as you entered the room seeing Hajime at his desk and your brother seated in front of him.

"Hey, sister!" Yamato excitedly yelled as he got up to give you a 'Hug'

"Hey, to you too bro." You say unfazed from his bone-crushing hug that could send a normal person to the hospital.

'Now I see the connection.' Hajime thought with a deadpan look at the two Godia siblings 'hugging' in the middle of the room.

And somehow you still haven't fainted from Yamato's viper-like grip.

Author's Note: This is my first ever attempt at writing one of these so I hope it turns out all right.

Nanbaka X ReadersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora