Uno X Reader: You're Beautiful

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Favorite Activity- (F/A)

Favorite Food- (F/F)

Here in Nanba Prison, there was normally a lot of noise, something you learned rather quickly, but today was different. For the first time since you got there 2 months ago, it was quiet and you decided to enjoy this rare commodity. So there you were in your cell, hunched over the small table, facing the window that reveals the sky, quietly (F/A) with a miniature smile. This is great, were the thoughts going through your head and who would disagree? It was constantly noisy, something you personally don't like, and all because of the idiots around you. But as you continued to relax and have those thoughts, one thought ruined your whole relaxation into one of confusion. You stopped your activity to think some more about that one question that ruined your enjoyment of the peace.

'It is way too quiet, especially for this building.' You thought skeptically with an eyebrow raised, 'Those four can't possibly sit still in their cell for this lo-'

Your thoughts were completely interrupted by the shouts of Hajime and the whines of the idiots, the ones that you were thinking about just seconds prior, from down the hall. You sighed, putting away what you were doing knowing that you couldn't finish it without peace and quiet but on the upside, this would make for a great scene. By the time you put everything away and had returned to your table, this time facing the window that leads towards the hallway, Hajime had made it to their cell, which was in front of your cell.

"Hey, watch it, Hajime! You're going to ruin my beautiful face!" Uno yelled angrily at the, even more, pissed off, retreating guard. Apparently, the four idiots got Hajime mad enough to make him throw them into their cell rather than place them in their cell, which resulted in some really painful positions making you glad you are on Hajime's good side. They all, unfortunately, hit the wall, hard, face first and it was hard enough to make a huge crack appear. You sat, leaning your check in your hand with a blank look, for a good while just watching them go back to what they normally do every day. Nico was watching anime, Rock was reading the latest cafeteria menu, Jyugo was sitting in the corner looking out the window, and Uno was reading his magazines.

'How did they sneak out of their cell so quietly?' You asked yourself before getting up and moving to the window to ask them yourself, "Hey, how did you guys escape that cell so quietly, seeing as you guys have a history of alarm triggering."

"We have our ways, after all, you're talking to the best escape artists in the whole world, was there any doubt in our skills?" Jyugo stated cockily with a smirk, along with Rock and Uno, in your direction. You gave them a blank stare as you said the next few lines.

"Yes, there was, after all, mister 'escape artist' himself can be a klutz and this is coming from a girl that was sent here for dropping the diamond right into the lap of the guard but at least I didn't get caught in five minutes." You shot back, causing Jyugo to sulk in the corner with Uno and Rock laughing, but then something else caught your attention leading you to ask your next question, "What's wrong with Nico?"

The two that were laughing immediately stopped and Jyugo quite sulking to look back at their other friend. Nico was watching his anime silently and by himself. This was very unusual for their druggie, anime/manga loving friend. Nico would usually ask around the cell, or you if you were there, to see if anyone would watch it with him and during the whole episode he would shout, cheer, giggle, or quoted lines from the anime, but none of the above was happening.

"Last night, at bedtime, Nico refused to put down the game and Hajime was pretty pissed off at that point with us so he took it." Rock explained looking at his friend before turning to you, "He said he would give it back in three days but Nico can't wait that long. So we decided to get it back ourselves but we got caught before we could reach his office."

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