Supervisors x Warden X Reader X Mitsuru: Who Do You Choose? Part 1

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Favorite flower- (F/F)

Favorite color- (F/C)

Last name- (L/N)

Favorite animal- (F/A)

'Great, how did I get myself into this mess?' you asked yourself while simultaneously sweat dropping at the scene before you.

All the supervisors were currently fighting in the middle of the guard room and you have no idea why.

Everything that morning had been going great for you. You woke up to a beautiful day, amazing breakfast, and had gotten to work early, so you didn't get yelled at by your supervisor. But that is where everything just started to go downhill.

****Earlier that day****

You had just gotten to your designated building, building 5, when you started noticing weird things going on.

First, when you got into building 5's office, ready to start the paperwork you were too tired to finish last night, you saw that it was already finished and neatly on your desk. If that didn't startle you before, seeing a neatly wrapped gift, a bouquet of (F/F), and (F/C) teddy bear did.

Next, when you were out on the training grounds supervising the inmates, one of them came up to you. You smiled warmly at the qi-gong user, Upa, as he began asking you questions about how he can improve his form. You, being the nice person you are and also being a national champion at fighting, not only did you decide to give him some pointers but also show him. As you were in the middle of explaining how he can deliver a harder punch, he stopped you, looking paler than he usually does. Getting concerned for the young man, you asked if he was okay, to which he replied with a shaky yes before running off to do more exercise. This confused you greatly, he looked as if he had seen a ghost, but you didn't get enough time to think anymore upon the behavior when Samon, your supervisor, and Mitsuru came up to you because the warden wanted to see you.

On the walk to headquarters is where you noticed the third weird thing, Mitsuru was talking more than usual. At first, you thought that you were imagining it because talking was practically his middle name, but as time went on, you started to notice. So, once again being the nice person you were, just smiled and listened to his endless talking, which didn't bother you because you honestly did like him speaking, he was always a bucket of fun to be around.

Fourthly, when you got to the waiting room, you saw that Kiji and Kenshirou were also there. Kiji was looking frantically in his hand mirror to make sure his makeup was still fabulous and Kenshirou was typing away rather nervously at his computer. When they finally noticed your presence they seemed a little startled, like a person would look if they were not fully prepared. You bid Mitsuru a thank you before turning to them to give a warm hello and smile, which only startled them more but they still managed to give you an ify hello back. Not wanting to make the atmosphere more awkward than it already was, Kiji decided to offer you a seat next to him on the couch, much to Kenshirou's displeasure, to which you excepted with a smile. Making the makeup-clad supervisor blush and the dog like supervisor sulk into his computer.

That didn't last for long as both supervisors started competing to see who you would talk to the most. As you waited for the warden to call you in, you listened as the 'conversation' went on, you were just thankful that you could multitask because otherwise, that would have been difficult to bare.

Fifthly, when you were finally called into the warden's office, the atmosphere emitting from the door made you, her friend, feel a twinge of concern. So, being one of her only female friends, you were determined to make sure that she was okay, after all, running a prison was hard work. You walked right up to the door and knocked on it, to which you received a nervous, high-pitched squeak that told you to enter, this made you even more concerned than before. You opened the door quickly and stepped in to be greeted with an unusual sight. The warden was sitting at her desk, hands intertwined on top, and her head held high with a harsh glare plastered on her face. She is normally never like that when she calls you to her office.

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