Chapter 20 (Alex's POV)

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"Did we do it? Is it dead? said Skye. I kicked IT.
"No, there is more coming. I can literally feel it." I replied. Then Pennywise disappeared. "Where has he gone?" Georgia asked. We held up our weapons. IT appeared and grabbed me against a wall. I tried not to panic. "You are next Alex!" He transformed into a wolf, bit my left hand and ripped it off!

"Skye, get your shotgun ready!" Georgia yelled. Skye shot Pennywise in to his head as some strange light became brighter and brighter until I realised what it was. IT dropped me on the ground. The deadlights! "Cover your eyes you two!" Georgia and Skye both covered there eyes, but Skye's somehow opened because of how powerfull those lights were. She floated high up into the air.

"Oh my god Skye!"Georgia tried to get her down but couldn't. IT had disappeared once again. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" I screamed. Then I realised something. The reason IT kept disappearing is because it was trying to figure out a way to make us scared, but is failing. He was getting weaker. Our plan worked. "Come on Georgia, we nearly did it." I got my baseball bat ready.

Suddenly, a gigantic spider appeared out of no-where. It had a bright deadlights coming out of its stomach. Eureka! If only we could destroy those deadlights. It grabbed Georgia and lifted her up. She dropped her knife. She was just about to see the deadlights until I sprung out, yanked the knife and stabbed it so many times right into the stomach where the deadlights shone out. It became darker and darker. The spider fell and dropped Georgia. It didn't even move an inch.

"We did it, right?" Georgia asked. Skye slowly came down from the air and landed to the ground. She awoke. "W-what h-happened?" she seemed very confused, but was ok. "We are safe." I sighed in relief. We got out of the sewers as soon as possible.

We were at the hospital because of my left hand bitten off. The doctors put a bandage over what was once a hand in a hospital bed. Georgia rang Mom and came in a flash. "Alex! Are you ok? What happened?" she said worridly.
"Oh um, it's a long story." I said.
"I should've known better not to leave you all on your own like that. Oh Skye, how are you? Did you get hurt?"
"Oh no Mrs Stuart, I am good thank you." Mom smiled. "That's good to hear!" But then she noticed the baseball bat Georgia was holding.
"What on earth are you doing with that baseball bat?"
"Ummm, well..." Georgia was speechless.
"Oh well, maybe for protection from someone you caught into a fight?" She nodded. "Aww, that's very good of you protecting your brother!" She hugged her. "Anyway, I'm just going to that vending machine over there, back in a sec." She walked out.

"Remember our promise?" Georgia asked.
"Yep." I nodded.
"Yes!" Skye said. The relief you have when defeating a demonic entity that eats children is absolutely amazing.

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