Chapter 13 (Mom's POV)

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It was lunch time and as us teachers were in the staff room, talking about the murders in Derry, just making suggestions.
"A serial killer? That's just, not normal." one said.
"It would be as they killed my son!" another said.
"But the question is, why?"I asked.
"Isn't it such a coincidence that children were being killed exactly 30 years, and the time before that too?" another said. His name was Mr Oakes and the teachers said that he fancied me. What the hell.
"I want to get to the bottom if it." I said, "If I could suggest a person who would do that, I would choose-" a loud scream came from outside. I jumped up and ran out to see what was going on. There was a crowd of people watching. A girl was on the floor crying and crying with both of her hands bitten off. I asked her what happened.

"I saw a clown! A clown! He offered me my doll that was missing for a long time, then bit my hands off!" Blood was splattering everywhere. The staff did a whole search for a clown around the school. But no evidence of a clown was ever found.

The head teacher decided that the whole school should be sent home after what had happened, just incase it would happen again. The girl was taken to the hospital and her parents were mad. They apparantely moved to another town, as far from Derry as possible. That's unbelievable.

When I got home, I just decided to read one of my favourite books, 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. I know it's a very old book, but that doesn't matter. Caitlin used to read a book which belonged to my mom so I wasn't the only one. She is probably reading it up there in heaven with all of the angels. Georgia walked in. "Mom, have you seen- what are you reading?"
"Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, you will be studying that soon in school. Anyway, why aren't you in school?"
"School sent us home after what happened to a girl at your school or something?"
"Oh yes, your right. I didn't think yours would send you home too? What about Alex?" I asked.
"Dunno." she said.

I carried on reading while Alex came in. "I'm guessing you got sent home too."
"Yeah. Thank god. School is shit. People at school are shit. I hate it here." he ran upstairs. "Don't slam the-" BANG! "Door." I better leave him on his own.

Thunder, great weather right? Just listening to the loud and terrifying bangs and with so much rain. A little child ran past my window jumping in puddles having fun until he just stops. Stareing into thin air. I went outside and asked him "Are you ok there? Do you need any help with anything?"
"No thank you. My sister Danielle is here helping me!" he replied. But there was no-one there.

The next day, I saw a missing poster. I know, you wouldn't be surpised as kids go missing everyday. But this one shocked me. It was the same boy I saw yesterday. His name was Oliver. His parent's address was on there too. I went over to his home.

"Can I help you?" a woman answered the door.
"Hello, sorry to disturb you, but I noticed the missing poster with your son Oliver on it, am I correct?"
"I saw him yesterday in the rain on his own, I got concerned because he looked like he was lost, I mean I am a mother of 3 so I don't want you thinking I'm a creep, but my daughter had unfortunately passed away so I've got 2 now."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's ok. Anyway I asked him if he was ok. He said he was fine and his sister Danielle was helping him. I didn't seem to see her but-"
"Danielle?" she looked like she was about to cry. "That's not possible! Our daughter died in a car accident several years ago!"

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