Chapter 4 (Second Point Pespective)

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Caitlin came into Georgia's room wondering if she felt any better.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Still sick obviously!" Georgia yelled.
"It's so boring indoors. I am going out for a bit!" Caitlin went to put on her shoes and her coat, as well as bringing Mr Bluebear.
"You're seriously taking that out with you? Wow."
"Yes because I want to. See you later!"
"Wait! Don't stay out too long are Mom will be mad!" called Georgia
"I won't!"
"And be careful!" That was the final ever sentence Georgia ever said to Caitlin.

"Come on Mr Bluebear! Let's go to the park and play on the slide!" Caitlin was having so much fun with her teddy in the street, until she accidently dropped him down a sewer hole.
"Oh no!" she started to cry. "Hello Caitlin!" a male voice came from the hole. Then a clown appeared in the sewer hole. He had red bushy hair with lots of makeup and a red nose. He wore a yellow clown suit with orange buttons and blue and purple striped sleeves. "Are you going to say hello?"
"No!" Caitlin said firmly.
"Come on! Would you like a balloon?" he held a red balloon.
"I can't take things from strangers. My mom said so."
"Very wise of your Mom Caitlin! Let me introduce myself. I am Bob Gray, but you can call me Pennywise the Dancing Clown! Now we know each other, right?"
"Yes we do. I better go."
"But what about this?" Pennywise held up her teddy.
"My teddy! Does he float on water?" Caitlin asked.
"Oh yes!" He had a big smile on his face. "He floats!" Caitlin tried to grab her teddy.
"And when your down here with me, YOU FLOAT TOO!!" he grabbed Caitlins hand. He then had razor sharp teeth. She screamed. Pennywise pulled her down into the hole. Blood splattered out everywhere. Most of her body was gone. She was dead. Then silence.

"Georgia! Have you seen Caitlin?" said Mom. She looked very worried.
"Yeah she went out to play."
"That was four hours ago! Wait, WHAT?! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET HER GO OUT!" Mom was fuming. She stomped down stairs to go and find her.

RIIIING! RIIIING! It was the phone. Georgia went to answer it. "Hello?"
"Is this Mrs Hanna Stuart? This is Derry Police Department. I am so sorry, but you daughter has been found dead down a sewer hole. Her arm and leg are missing. It looked as if she was almost eaten."

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