Chapter 3 (Mom's POV)

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"Georgia! Caitlin! Come here a for a second!" I called. It's always important to keep your children safe, especially in this situation.
"What is it?" asked Georgia.
"Alex just told me some strange news. It is probably fake, but don't hang out after school with your friends. This website says that children go missing everyday." I don't think I should let them. I'm not wanting to put their lives in danger!

Later that day, I was on my way to bed after marking a tone of science books. It's so tiring you know. What's that noise? "Caitlin! Get to bed now!" But I realised it wasn't her. It was Georgia.

I walked into her room and she was screaming and crying. I tried to wake her up until she eventually did.
"Mom I had a horrible dream! A clown with a red balloon started chasing me and was about to kill me." then bursted into tears. I gave her a hug.
"It's ok, Georgia. Just a dream. You just go back to sleep." I went out leaving the door open. She's never dreamed like that before. How strange.

Finally, I was able to go to sleep after that situation. But a clown? Who dreams about clowns these days. She usually dreams about weird things, but not anything like this.

"Caitlin! Are you ready for school?"
"Coming Mommy! Just saying bye bye to Mr Bluebear!" Bless her with that teddy.
"I don't want to go school." said Georgia. I became concerned. "Why ever not?"
"I fell like-" then ran to the toilets and threw sick up.
"I guess not then!" I said. "Right, I better drive you to school as I need to get to work."

When we arrived at Caitlins school, I had an important question. "How are you settling in Derry?"
"Fine I guess" Alex said.
"Good." said Caitlin
"Is there anyone who is making you feel uncomfortable or anything like that?" They both shook there heads. Well that's good. I better be off to work.

When I got to work, my school had an assembly. I had to be in there of course.
"Good morning boys and girls." said the principle Mrs Clarkson, "As most of you are aware, some tragic events have been happening these last couple of weeks. We all ask you, please be carefull when walking to and from school. Be safe."

What tragic events? The one on that website is a scam, so what is it? They probably said the same thing to Alex, Caitlin's and Georgia's school. Wait, did she say this had been happening for a couple of weeks?!

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