Chapter 10 (Mom's POV)

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Alex and Georgia have been acting so strangely these last couple of days as if they were Sherlock Holmes or something. Secretly searching up clowns on the web and I ask them "What's going on in here?" and they say "Oh nothing." then I'm like "Stop hiding things from me!" which really annoys me. Thank god those too are at school. I better get the washing off the line outside.

I carried my wash basket outside, but then my eyes glued onto something. My wash basket fell onto the floor. Parts a blonde girl's body was hanging on my washing line. Her arms, legs were torn to pieces: blood dripped onto the floor: Alex's and Georgia's clothes ruined. I suddenly noticed a ball on the floor that did not belong to me or my children. It was the neighbour's daughter's ball. Hang on a minute, if that's the girl's ball, then that girl on the washing line is...holy shit!

I banged on my neighbour's door and showed them what had happened. They were crying so hard their faces had turned bright pink. I don't think I could ever look at that washing line. I better take it down.

By the time Alex and Georgia got home from school, Lola and Skye came too and I told them the horrific news and about their clothes. They didn't seem to care about that. I don't understand.
"That must mean," Georgia said to Alex.
"It can't possibly be," replied Lola.
"Oh no!" Alex replied. They both ran upstairs. "Hey! Where are you going now! I want to know what is going on between you too and I want to hear it now!" They ignored me. How dare they! I sneakily followed them upstairs. I could hear them talking.

"So it must be IT who did it," said Alex.
"Yes well you mean this demon did all of this then?" Skye asked.
"It did alright! IT kills kids for god sake!" Georgia answered.
"We have to do something." said Lola.
"Like what?" Alex said.
"Kill it maybe." thought Skye.
"How will we do that?" wondered Georgia.
"Is it even possible to kill it? IT is very strong." said Lola.
"We would have to try to use something very strong." said Alex. I barged into the room.

"Right, I want to hear what all of you guys are hiding and I want to hear it now." I shouted. Now I wasn't happy. They all just froze like statues. "Well?"
"We strongly think," started Georgia.
"That the person responsible," said Lola.
"Of the killings here in Derry." said Alex.
"Is definately a clow-wait no a..." Skye tried to say.
"SERIAL KILLER!" Georgia interupted.
"Serial killer? In Derry?!" I was shocked.
"Yes." They all said. I couldn't believe what I heard. From my own daughter.

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