Chapter 42: The Story

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"And who are these students, miss Campbell?"

"Theo Jones and some guys from the baseball team. There were also students f-from Maria and Kayla's high school. But a-apparently even after being interviewed and telling officers themselves that P-Parker was the last person to be seen with them, he still was not arrested. So I just knew in my gut that Tobias did not do it. Everyone knows Parker is insanely jealous of Tobias. He told me so himself. He hates his guts and I-I know he'd do anything to t-take Tobias down. Even if it meant using his own father to cover up his murder."

Officer Parish and Harrison shared a concerned glance, "miss Campbell, are you saying Chief Lynn covered up Maria and Kayla's murder for Parker?" Ariel nodded her head vigorously. "Yes, he d-did." She stammered as tears furiously tumbled down her cheeks. "Miss Campbell, you are accusing an officer of this state–the chief of the Harleyville police department of being an accessory to murder by falsely arresting Tobias Aspen to save his son? Do you know how serious this accusation is?"

Ariel nodded her head frantically, "y-you will see for yourselves, detectives. I-I wouldn't say a-all of this with no evidence at all. If you review Maria and Kayla's case and Tobias', y-you'll see that nothing adds up. H-how was he the only person arrested when they were touched by countless people. H-how comes the time e-everyone testified that he was in that house was the same time o-of their deaths. He had no personal connection to them, no m-motives. They weren't even friends!

B-but Parker Lynn left with them a-and everyone saw and he was never interviewed. This case w-was never even handed to the FBI because one week after the murders, Tobias was arrested and the case was solved? How does that make sense? H-how is that possible?" Officer Parish sighed, "miss Campbell–"

"I have Parker's confession."

Their eyes widened, "I went t-to his house last night. My friend Larson loves everything technology so he gave me this recording device and I attached it to my necklace. I went to Parker's house to get the confession b-because no one would believe me when I said he d-did it. I got there, we went up to his room and we started talking. Before that, I had to make P-Parker think I liked him for him to trust me. In the recording which my friend Larson should have, Parker confesses everything to me.

He told me how Tobias left with them and came back into the house. H-he left after and found Maria and Kayla in the woods. He said t-that they tricked him into sleeping with them right there in the woods. A-and they recorded the whole thing to blackmail him into helping them get rid of some evidence for their friend. He said he got angry and snapped so he grabbed a tree b-branch or I think it was a small log and hit them over the head with it and a rock until they died.

          He a-also said that he went back into the house, got g-garbage bags, wrapped their bodies in them and d-dismembered them and dumped it near the creek." Office Parish etched closer to the end of his seat. "Ariel, are you sure Parker said all of that?" Ariel nodded her head firmly, "I have everything on tape. I have a-all the evidence for the past few months. P-Parker was not the only one at the house." Officer Harrison frowned, "who else was there?"

          Ariel inhaled sharply, "my best friend, Evelyn Mariel. She's obsessed with me. F-for the past few months, she's been blackmailing me to stop trying to uncover the truth. A year ago she blackmailed Larson into breaking u-up with me and ran over his sister. This year she sent a pig's heart to my doorstep. S-she stalked me and beat up my sister! She–when I f-found out, I told her to stay the hell away from me. So I guess she got angry. So that night she and Parker knew that I would come over.

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