"hey! eunsang!" haeyoung shouted, catching the figure's attention. indeed, it was eunsang.

"oh, hey guys. what are you doing here?"

"just, enjoying the beautiful autumn day. you?" wonjin said.

"me? nothing, really. i go here whenever i feel like it."

the three nodded. "see? even the current president of the student council goes up here. why can't we?" wonjin said.

"whatever, wonjin. you proved your point." haeyoung said, "i'm just gonna sit down, thanks." she sat down on the edge of the rooftop. she dangled her legs over the edge, in between the railing, shoes removed so they wouldn't fall off accidentally.

dongpyo, wonjin, and eunsang followed, sitting down in the same position as hers.

"so... how long are we staying here? we have like, two tests tomorrow." dongpyo said.

"pfft, who studies for those tests anyway?" wonjin said with a scoff.

"hey! you're making a bad influence on the kid." haeyoung said, gesturing to dongpyo. "plus, eunsang studies, yo."

eunsang chuckled. "uh, in actuality, i don't study much."

"even so, you listen in class. you're also naturally smart, so..." haeyoung said.

"hey, you're smart, too, haeyoung. you were one of the top students back in the old school." dongpyo said, pouting.

"yeah. i guess time changes people." haeyoung said, looking down to the road a couple floors below them.

"anyway," dongpyo said. "eunsang, you're performing in the talent show, right?"

"yeah!" haeyoung happily said. "he said he's performing an original with their squad."

"yep. i'm also performing an intermission."

"that's amazing, an original? wow." wonjin said.

out of the blue, haeyoung sighed. "i love the weather today."

"right? it's so nice. the sky's turning orangey (omg pd48), too. so pretty!" dongpyo said.

"i'm tired, like always." haeyoung said. she yawned, laying her head on eunsang's shoulder. "i don't know why, but eunsang's shoulder is more comfortable than other people's shoulders. is me saying that weird?"

eunsang felt his cheeks turn pink, holding back his smile. he wrapped his left arm around haeyoung's shoulder.

"yes, weird indeed." wonjin said.

"like you, hyung." dongpyo said, making the girl snort.

"you guys look cute together. ya'll should be the next campus couple, yo." wonjin said,

"hm, too young to date. enjoy your youth, eh?" haeyoung said, "remember what the old lady in the froyo shop said, eunsang?"

"yep. 'enjoy your youth for me.' or something like that." eunsang said.

"try telling that to the 16-year-old freshmen." wonjin said, rolling his eyes. "most of them are desperate to get boyfriends or girlfriends, it's so funny."

"i know, right?" haeyoung said, laughing.

"hold up, when did we go to a froyo shop?" dongpyo said.

"no, it was only the two of us." haeyoung said.

"see? ya'll go on dates, too. just date already, will you? i'll be your number one supporter." wonjin said. "whoo, go haesang!"

"it was only a friendly date, 'kay? can't a guy and a girl go out without looking like they're dating?" haeyoung said.

eunsang wasn't saying anything. he was just watching them talk, for he wasn't a hundred percent agreeing to what haeyoung was saying. but at least now, he knows that haeyoung doesn't feel the same was as him. now, he knows that he's nothing more than a friend to the girl he likes.

all of the sudden, haeyoung felt that someone was watching them. she shook it off until she thought she heard a camera shutter, making her flinch.

"what's wrong?" eunsang asked.

"did you guys hear that?" haeyoung asked.

"hear what?" dongpyo said.

"i thought i heard a camera shutter. hm, weird." haeyoung said, shrugging it off.

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