Chapter 32 - Calling all units

Start from the beginning

"Well... You can say I killed their love!" Y/N smirked "And I don't always kill people. But when I do, I almost always bring by buddies"

"So..." Shiori started blushing and playing with her hair "...Who I am to you?"

"Our b*th" Origami suddenly slapped her ass.

"Hey!" Shiori jumped and her face turned red from embarrassment "What the hell got into you?!"

"I see you're back from hospital" Origami ignored her "It looks like... This amount of love couldn't get you wet..."

"It's nice to see you too, but can you give me a hand or two?"

"Sure" Origami pulled out incendiary impact grenade from her bag and threw it at Y/N.

Grenade exploded right into his face and set him and all letters on fire.

"Thank you!" Y/N waved to her, completely covered in flames.

"No problem" Origami walked away like nothing happened, while Shiori stared shocked at whole scene.

"Hold on Y/N! I'll get some help!" Shiori looked around, but nobody was around "Cmon, cmon..."

She finally noticed fire extinguisher behind her and grabbed it.

"Damit, where is instruction on how to use it?!" Shiori examined it "Screw it, Y/N, catch!"

She threw fire extinguisher at him and it exploded on impact, covering letters and Y/N in foam.

"Y/N, are you alright?!" Shiori shouted worried and approached him.

"Yeah, I'm good!" He gave her thumbs up "Now step aside, I'm gonna clean that up!"

Shiori quickly stepped aside and he pulled out a strange greatsword. Strong wind started to swirl around it's blade and he swung it down.

Strong wind blew whole mess outside and lifted up Shiori skirt, revealing pink panties.

"Black and purple would look better on you" Y/N commented.

"Y-you..." Shiori held her skirt, blushing from embarrassment.

"What? You didn't mind a threesome not so long ago, and now you're embarrassment because I saw your pant--?" Y/N pointed out and Shiori quickly jumped to silence him with his hands.

"Don't say things like this in public you morro--" Shiori started, but bell interrupted her.

"Oh well, looks like we ran out of time..." Y/N said and started walking to the classroom, and Shiori soon followed him.

"Stop right there!" Bunch of girls suddenly surrounded them "How could you burn all of your letters?!"

"You know, this is pretty amusing..." Y/N smiled.

"What did you just said?!" Girls clinched their hands.

"...To think you would fall for this trap!" Y/N finished and they laughed.

"Your trap?!" One of girls said through tears and everyone pulled out basketball bats and knifes "We will beat you into submission and turn you into our butler!"

"Hey, I don't want him as butler!" One of girls protested.

"Then you will do whatever you want after your turn..."

"Oh, okay. Let's do this then!"

"You morons! Do you really think I would set up a trap and not be able to defeat al of you?" Y/N said in provoking tone.

"Defeat us? You and what army!" One of girls laughed.

"HELP, I'M UNDERAGE BOY AND I'M GETTING RAPED!" Y/N suddenly screamed out.

"Teachers won't help y--" They heard loud music from outside quickly approaching them.

Suddenly an armored van busted through the wall and people armed to the teeth started flooding in.

"FBI, on the ground!" One of them shouted and girls ran away, splitting up into two groups.

First group ran toward, but someone in heavy armor carrying a minigun blocked their escape.

"Baybayzer!" He shouted and his minigun started to spin "Time to kiss your asses for goodbye!"

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" One of girls shouted, but it was too late.

Second group managed to reach the gym and barricaded the entrance.

"President, what we do now?!" One of girls asked their leader panicked "We don't have any way to escape!"

"I don't know! Give me a second to thing!" She starting walking around, while everyone was watching her.

She noticed a vent shaft entrance, big enough for person to fit in.

"I got it!" She shouted in triumph "I found a way--"

Suddenly lights turned off and they were standing in complete darkness, not being able to see anything.

"What happen? Did they turned off the lights?!" One of girls shouted panicked and tripped.

"Calm down! Follow my voice and we will get out in no time!" Leader shouted.

Pairs of green lights appeared around them and started approaching.

"What is this?!" Leader shouted scared.


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