The Market

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The first sign came that Tuesday morning, quite unexpectedly. Sam was just sitting at the table eating breakfast and enjoying some morning tea with her Gramm until the radio blared to life.

I don't believe you know me although you know my name

I don't believe the thoughts I have are only mine to claim

I don't believe that magic is only in the night

I don't believe I'd love somebody just to pass the time-

The radio blared with static for a moment before continuing.

I don't believe that beauty will ever be replaced

I don't believe a masterpiece will ever match your face

The joker's always smiling in every hand that's dealt

I don't believe that when you die your presence isn't felt.

When the radio went dead altogether, Sam just exchanged looks with her Gramm.

Sam excused herself from the table quickly.


She knew Zoey would choose that song, if it even was Zoey. This could all be the games of a demon sending her those dreams, messing with her head. But, if that was the case, how would a demon know about that song?

After throwing on some skinny jeans, a large shirt and her artifact, brushing her hair and teeth, giving her Gramm a hug goodbye, Sam grabbed her aging spider bag and headed out the door, determined to ignore this message.

Danny was waiting for her again, but today he was accompanied by Tucker who was, as usual, fiddling with his PDA. Sam suspected the device was somehow grafted to him.

"Morning, Sam!" Danny greeted, his blue eyes focused on her. She may be imagining it, but it almost seemed like he was carefully searching for something on her. Whatever it was, he seemed relieved to not have found it.

She smiled at him anyway. "Hey, guys."

The three of them continued on their way.

Just as they reached school, Valerie had jogged over to them. They began to discuss about the day's upcoming when the second sign came.

Tucker's PDA sent out the most awful static before the second song began to play.

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming

Or the moment of truth in your lies

When everything feels like the movies

Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am.

Tucker looked at the device in his hands warily. "Technus must be on the loose again."

"Technus?" Sam asked in confusion.

"He's a ghost who manipulates technology," Valerie explained.

"And, my arch-nemesis," Tucker added, glaring at the PDA, probably hoping said techy ghost could hear him.

Sam glanced at Danny; he was unusually quiet about the subject. He had a look of worry and uncertainty.

Sam recognized that face. She'd seen it on her sisters several times. Hell, she'd probably worn it,  too.

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