Buy an Enigma

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*Happy Birthday AdrMariLove2!!!

The giant tent where she found him was of rather extravagant design and the sweet smell of dried dates was strong.

Sam pushed the curtain entrance opening. Exquisite large rugs covered the ground, along with the softest looking cushions. Fantastic artifacts and antiques laid strewn across the room as if they were toys in a child's playroom.

"Hello, Kalush." Sam greeted simply as she sat down on one of the cushions. Her violet eyes remained stoic and in control.

"Hello, Vivasha." Kalush, dressed in black silk with his long white hair tied back, sent a rather flirtatious grin her way.

Sam remained unfazed. She always had been with him. "I was attacked by a Heat fiend yesterday. In a town called Amity Park. Know anything?"

"Straight to the point today, Ivy? You haven't changed. Alright, I'll see what I..." Kalush began before Sam cut him off.

"There's definitely a rift, no doubt about it. What I wanna know is how and why?"

Kalush sighed lightly, shifting on his cushion.

"I was afraid of this, Ivy. If this is the Amity Park I've been hearing rumors about, then I shouldn't be surprised." Kalush rose from his seat to retrieve a scroll from his bag. He sat back down and laid it out for her to see. It was an odd map. It could zero in on any location the reader wished to see and inspect the strength of the veiling between the mortal realm and the one of magick.

"Here," he said. "This is the last Map of the Veil. I have it zeroed over Amity park. The veil there is weak. It seems old Amity Park has had a long history of supernatural activity. Predominantly from a portal between the human world and another world that is known as the Ghost Zone. Demons generally have nothing to do with ghosts, but, recently this area has had increasing ghostly and demonic activity."

Sam frowned at the map as it quickly changed from Amity Park to what appeared to be Louisiana. In the very heart of the city was a small glimmering line.

"What's that?" Sam asked as she pointed to the location.

"That is the rift you and your coven closed. According to the map, it's healing quite well. Exceptionally well, in fact. If I didn't know any better..." Kalush trailed off again, probably pausing to think.

Sam reached across the gap separating them and poked him in the shoulder, trying to get him to continue.

Kalush looked at her mischievously. "Poking a Daemon lord? Not a wise life choice, Vivasha." Sam shot Kalush an unimpressed look. She never fell for the whole "tough Daemon guy" act. Kalush just rolled his silver eyes and continued with his theory.

"It's possible that the rift in New Orleans is healing so well because all the demons have turned their attention elsewhere, instead of trying to reopen it."

"The weakened area in Amity Park?"

"The weakened area in Amity Park." Kalush's confirmation sent chills down Sam's spine. She hadn't been able to fight the Heat Fiend alone. How could she possibly defeat anything else that came through the new rift?

"Sam," he said suddenly.

She glanced up, completely startled. Kalush had never used her human name before.

"Hmm, comes off the tongue easier than Poison Ivy or Vivasha. Still, kinda weird," he chuckled humorlessly. "I've heard that you've wanted to quit the magic biz. If you quit, who will defend the people of Amity Park? These friends of yours may have experience with ghost attacks, but you know and I know that demons are a whole other ballgame. They need you."

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