Changes of the Wicked Kind

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It was a dark night. The air was still and thick. The Spanish moss that usually swayed in the breeze hung loose in the trees. It was as if the wind had gone into hiding that night, waiting out the foreboding events that were soon to come. Even the moon herself was seldom seen.

High above the darkened skyline of New Orleans, atop a large building, a battle of epic proportions was underway.

A pair of daemon brothers of monumental power were locked in an age-old battle for ownership of the Earth. The daemons were not just massive in power but also in height. They both stood at 8 feet. Their actual appearance was undetermined, for in their incomplete state they stood as two giant intimidating figures. Their soul-piercing yellow eyes were the only features to have manifested.

But it wasn't each other they were fighting.

Their opponents, oddly enough, were five young girls. Very young, they all looked to be no older than 18. One of them, dressed in a light blue cloak, was already bruised and bleeding. The girls stood evenly spaced around the demons at the points of a pentacle hastily marked on the ground in white chalk. Light blue, yellow gold, cherry red, dark obsidian, and deep green and purple, the girls, battered, bruised and exhausted from the battle, held tightly to crystals, whose colors and magick intertwined with their users.

In unison, they sang their spell, their voices finely tuned and synced as the keys on a xylophone:

"Daemons dark from shadow dwell,

Chaotic forces we wish to quell,

To rid the Earth of your sick unwell,

We cast you Daemons Back to Hell."

They intoned the first verse together, then they spoke one by one. The girl dressed in gold sung first.

"For all the creatures of the night,

And the birds who trade in flight,

Your darkness we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The first crystal glowed with a golden light, like that of the sun. Next, the girl dressed in obsidian chanted.

"For the creatures of the fur and creatures of the fin

We doom you daemons now within your mortal skin,

Your evil we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The second crystal began to glow with a dark black and silver light. After her, came the one dressed in blue.

"For all the magic of the light,

We here refuse to give up the fight,

Your horror we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The third crystal lit with a sky blue light. Almost instantly, the girl dressed in bright scarlet sung out.

"For the survival of our kind,

Your powers we now bind,

Your madness we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The fourth crystal shone with a red glow. And finally, like her sisters before her, the girl dressed in dark purple and green sung in her mezzo-soprano voice.

"For the life of the land,

From this world, you now are banned,

Your perversions we now quell,

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