Memory Lane

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The first thing that Sam did when she stepped into her Gramm's mansion was head straight for the backyard to take a glimpse at the garden.

It. Was. Tragic.

The trees were fine because, well, they're trees. But everything else- the vegetable garden, flowers, shrubs, everything was dying (or dead.) The poor pond dried up with no life in sight. The cobblestone path that weaved through the garden was horribly withered and the chains on the garden swing looked ready to snap at any moment. The one saving grace of this garden was the space. She had room to put a whole greenhouse!

"I'm a little embarrassed to let you see this, Button," her Gramm said with a sheepish smile.

Sam sighed and stood defeatedly on the veranda. "Geez, Gramm, no offense, but it looks like a plague of locusts hit this place. What happened?"

Sure, it's been a while since she's been to her Gramm's house, but surely it wasn't long enough for a flourishing garden to look this bad.

"I'm getting on in years, Button, and these old legs of mine can only take so much," Gramm chuckled.

Sam felt guilt in her bones for not realizing this fact. However, she looked over her shoulder through the glass door to see that boy, Danny, awkwardly trying to carry in the bags without tripping over his own feet. Nyx was currently leering at him from her perch on one of the armchairs in the living room.

Sam rolled her eyes. "Isn't that what you have him for?"

Gramm looked back the clumsy boy in her house. "Danny? Hah! The boy doesn't exactly have a green thumb, Button."

"I see," Sam hummed as she smirked at Danny. The poor boy was still struggling with the bags. Due to his big feet, his movements were hopelessly klutzy. Something told her he was still growing, though, even at 6'2.

Not that she was looking too deeply at him, of course.

"Just another reason to have you here with me! You have free range, button, it's all yours!" her Gramm exclaimed with a twinkle in her frosty blue eyes.

Sam's violet gaze just stayed locked on her grandmother in shock for the longest time.

Soon, for the first time in weeks, Sam felt her cheeks grow sore from the large smile that stretched across her face. Without a word, she bent to give her sweet grandmother a desperate hug.

Neither of them noticed the smile on Danny's face as he watched them.


Do you always trust

Your first initial feeling?

Special knowledge holds true,

Bears believing.

I turned around,

And the water,

Was closing, all around.

Like a glove, like a love

That had finally, finally found me.

Sam sat alone in her new room, singing lowly to herself along with the song that played from her speakers. She had settled in quite well. Her room was exactly how she liked it, dark, quiet and soothing. The scent of her lavender incense filled the room. It was quite a large room with dark plum-colored walls. She had a queen-sized bed all to herself and beautiful mahogany furniture including a wardrobe, dressers, a desk, and a large bookshelf. She had already filled said bookshelf with endless amounts of books, candles, oils, and even some potions and charms that she was determined to leave untouched.

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