Savage Daughter

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(Special thanks to my best friends, fallenalpha01 and FireAsh50 for helping me!)
Wake up...

Zoey's voice echoed in Sam's ears. Sam groaned in her sleep at the disruption. She buried her face in her pillow.

Wake up, Ivy! There's trouble!

"Wha...?" Sam mumbled as she rolled on her back.


"Ah!" Sam shot up, startled by Zoey's shrieking in her head. The minute her sight cleared, her witchy senses went haywire! Every fiber of her being told her to hop out of bed and run down the street. It was different from the night she met Phantom. It was more urgent.

Her watch artifact throbbed around her neck as it swung frantically.

She looked at her bedside clock.


Sam shook her head and hopped out of bed. It wasn't the first time she's had an early wake up call like this. More often than not, it was a sign of trouble.

She leaped out of bed, dressed in a dark purple cami bra and lacy black shorts. She rushed to get her boots and Circle 5 jacket on.

Where, Zoey? What is it? Sam thought.

3550 Amity Blvd. Zoey's voice echoed through her head.

As fast as a serpent and as quiet as a shadow, Sam wasted no time racing down the stairs and out onto the street. Just as the night she had met Phantom, she let her intuition guide her.

This pull was drastically different from that night, however. It was nauseating and made her hair stand on end. Sam sprinted down the street, following the malevolent trail and kept her eyes open for the address Zoey had spoken of.

She saw the ambulance lights before she saw the actual ambulance. The area was taped off by police and said officers were busy keeping the neighboring residents at bay.

"Nothing to see here, folks," a tall officer spoke. "Just go on home; we're handling it."

If only they knew... Sam thought ruefully. The nauseating energy was spilling out of that apartment building. It wasn't as powerful as she remembered from past experiences, which could only mean the demon that had been there had already left. Left to go where was her question.

But the questions came to a halt when she heard the crowd gasp and murmur in horror.

Sam wormed her way through the crowd, only to see an absolutly horrid sight. The paramedics wheeled out a motionless figure on a gurney, covered by a sheet. A limp, female hand fell from under the sheet. The most horrifying part of this was that the whole arm was covered with streaks of blood.

As if blood had soaked out of her very pores.

Sam couldn't stop the tears leaking from her lilac eyes.

I'm too late.

"It was horrible!" a woman, dressed in a short night gown shrieked. "I didn't know what to do! She-she just kept screaming!"

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