Eye of Newt

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*I'm not dead! Yay!
Danny turned the brass knob on Sam's bedroom door and timidly peaked in. He'd never been in a girl's bedroom before, except his sister's. It was exactly as he expected it to be. Dark, yet elegant. The room smelled lightly of incense. A beautiful four poster bed stood in the center of the room, the dark purple comforter made up neatly. Her walls matched, with the occasional bouquet of dried flowers hanging.  The curtains were drawn over the large window.

Danny chuckled. It suits her.

He stepped into the bedroom, his reflection strolling up in the tall standing mirror in the corner.

"Tucker!" He heard his sister cry. "Stop that!"

"What? I'm just looking!"

Danny saw his friends and his sister in the reading nook in the far corner of the bedroom. There were four gigantic bookshelves overflowing with books and trinkets. There were also two plush, black armchairs, which Jazz and Valerie were sitting in. Tucker was busy going through the shelves.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Dude!"

"Oh, c'mon, we're in a witch's bedroom! Who knows what kind of cool stuff she's got in here," Tucker snickered. He slid a beautiful, royal blue book off the shelf. "You think there's a spell in here that can turn Dash into a frog?"

Valerie crossed her arms. "We're not saving you if Sam decides to kill you."

Danny snickered and sat on Sam's bed. He took in more of her room. Little curios were here and there: a piece of rose quartz hung on the mirror, a little sachet of lavender rested on one of her pillows, the same purple and black jacket hanging on the back of her desk chair, candles and small terrariums were everywhere.

Danny's heart fluttered a bit. Her room highlighted her charm and uniqueness. A small smile touched his lips, until his gaze fell on a photo; it was sitting on her nightstand.

He took the frame in his hand. It was a photo of five girls; he recognized Sam instantly. She looked to be about 13 or 14. The four other girls sat around her on what looked to be a sea wall. It was a selfie taken by the blonde haired girl; a wild smile graced her red lips, followed by a girl with olive toned skin and dark, wavy hair. Next to her was a girl dressed in blue, straight black hair, and dark eyes. Sam sat next to her; she was the only one in the photo not smiling. Even back then, her violet eyes were guarded and beautiful. The last girl next to Sam had long, curly auburn hair and a freckled complexion.

A feminine giggle hummed in his ear. "You looking through my stuff, too?"

Danny nearly jumped and turned to see Sam smiling down at him. The frame nearly tumbled from his fingers. "Ah! Ah, Sam! U-um..."

He glared at Tucker when he heard him impishly snicker. Danny cleared his throat and set the picture frame back down on the nightstand.

"I-I didn't hear you come in," he stammered as he stood up off the bed. "Um, are you...okay, now?"

Sam sighed and sat down on her bed. "I'm managing. I'm just really tired."

"Here," Danny said, as he gently helped Sam into bed. "Are you in pain anywhere?"

She smiled and nestled against her pillow. "No, I just need to rest for a minute. I'll have my strength back soon."

Danny delicately laid her comforter over her and sat on the bed in front of her.

"Meow," Nyx chirped gingerly as she leapt up onto the bed. Surprisingly, she gently rubbed against Danny's shoulders before burrowing into Sam's lap.

Danny fiddled with his thumbs, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "I'm really glad you're okay. Y-you really gave m-, us a good scare."

Sam gave him a melancholic smile. "I'm sorry. It's my own fault. Gramm is right; a simple salve wasn't enough.'

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