VIII: Three Hawks and Several Ocelots

Start from the beginning

He introduced us to the AC soldiers who had already been waiting for us. They're a small battalion of soldiers who have survived — some have been in the AC for a couple of months while others have been in the AC for about a year. With their numbers, combined with ours, we create a group of about seventy AC soldiers. The seventy of us will be responsible for evacuating the remaining population of Miami.

According to Aaron Burr, trucks of civilians will be arriving shortly, along with the American Air Force AC. We're in charge of directing and organizing the civilians into the transport planes, being very careful that we do not overfill any plane. The planes will take off to drop the civilians off at a settlement camp, then they will return to pick up more civilians. Essentially, our role is to make sure everyone stays safe and no fighting breaks out, which is likely to happen.

While Aaron Burr goes through this, I take the time to evaluate him. His brown eyes seem to sparkle like diamonds under a light. His stature, while rather small and frail, is confident and bombastic, almost as though he were on top of the world with everything below him. His smile is too wide to be real. He doesn't seem that old. If I had to guess, I'd say he's a couple of years older than me. It would make sense... most AC soldiers die before they get to a significant age. I don't have a good view of the patches on his uniform, but I am able to make out at least one: a sniper patch. So, at least he's a good shot.

I know he's from the American AC. If he were British, he'd have an accent. I've never met a British person before, but I've heard they have accents. It's somewhat odd that Aaron Burr — an American — is a lieutenant colonel under General Charles Lee — a British man. You'd think he'd want a British lieutenant working under him... then again, what do I know?

As Aaron Burr is finishing up his directions, he orders us to get off the Ocelots and line up with the other AC soldiers. We obey our superior without a thought, falling into formation. With that, Aaron Burr leans against one of the vehicles and presses the earpiece in his ear.

"Hey, Lee. New recruits arrived. Get over here with Laurens."

I look up to the sky as Aaron Burr says this, squinting my eyes at the bright blue abyss. Not a cloud in the sky... But there is a plane. I brush it off at first, assuming it is the Air Force AC like Aaron said. Instead, I shiver when I see it has the distinct marking of a Cuban plane. God, that attack isn't happening now, is it?!

Aaron Burr, seeming to notice the discomfort that washed over us, waves his hands to settle us down. "I wouldn't worry about that, soldiers," he smiles. "It's a Cuban spy plane. They've been flying over Florida all week. I suspect they're planning out the attack."

"Why does the patrolling Air Force allow them to cross into our country?" someone asks from the group.

Aaron Burr shrugs, maintaining his optimistic grin. "General Washington's orders. I suspect he may have a couple of reasons for this. For one, he may want Cuba to see we're evacuating Florida in hopes it discourages them from attacking; what's the point of attacking if there will be no casualties? Washington could also be trying to play the saint role. He'd rather Cuba attack first so we seem in the right. It would be a nice pro-war boost to the country."

I inwardly scoff. This is a fucking war. Do we have time to act like saints? I continue to watch the sky as the plane flies out of sight, a tall building blocking my view. I wish it was snowing.

A minute later, an Ocelot pulls up into the street. It comes dangerously close to us, causing us all to leap back, anticipating the impact of the armored vehicle. It stops just before it can hit us, and I cuss quietly. Jesus, who the fuck is driving?!

A man comes out of the passenger's side, shouting into the car. "This isn't a fucking bowling alley, Laurens! Our soldiers aren't bowling pins, so try not to hit them, okay?!"

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