Chapter 11

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I'm just finishing getting ready for dinner when I get a call from Max.

"Hello?" I ask wondering if he's cancelling on me.

"Hey Tessa, I'm just calling to say I'm going to be a bit late. I've been held up slightly with the Alpha and Luna. I still want to have dinner with you though, so would it be ok if we just meet at the restaurant?" Max asks anxiously. I laugh lightly

"Of course that's fine Max, it's not a date after all. Have you already picked a place?" He says yes and tells me the name and time for our reservation.

I'm honestly a bit relieved. The boys had almost convinced me that Max was trying to turn our dinner into a date. I get to the restaurant and sit at our table to wait for him. It's a beautiful place. A tad romantic but most places were in the evenings.

I was starving and decided to order myself a starter. Just as my food arrived Daly walked into the restaurant. With Beatrice on his arm. I kept my expression neutral and pleasant. I was seated at a central table so I knew they would spot me and didn't even try to hide from them.

Beatrice spotted me first and motioned to me to Daly, he nodded at her question and they headed my way. Oh for fucks sake!

"Tessa! It's been ages! How are you? Did your date ditch you?" She asked with a smirk. I raise my brows at that.

"Beatrice, yes it's been a while, last time was when you warned me away from Daly! As you can see I've stayed away! And no, my friend, not date, is just running late!" I say with a shrug. I see her send Daly a panicked look and him shoot her an angry look in response. What's that about? Beatrice excuses herself to go to the bathroom.

Before I can think too hard about it I see Max walk in. He smiles brightly at me and I can just make out the low growl Daly makes. As he gets closer Max is staring at me intently, he draws me into his arms suddenly and sniffs me. I jerk away in surprise at the same moment Daly yanks me out of Maxs arms.

"Don't you dare touch her like that again!" Daly growls. Max looks at me confused.

"You smell like my mate!" He says,  utter confusion on his face. "Why didn't I smell it earlier?" I shake my head at him.

"I'm not your mate Max, but I think my... friend, Beatrice might be. She was just sitting here before you walked in. Look, there she comes now!" I say with a flick of my head at her. Beatrice practically runs to our table when she scents Max.

"Mate!" She says with a sigh and a bright smile. Max smiles brightly at her too before his eyes flick to Daly and a look of comprehension and fury come to his face.

"You're here on a date! With him?!" He almost roars. Luckily this is a shifter restaurant. Otherwise this could get real bad real quick. I see the look of shame and utter devastation on her face at the look of disgust on her mates face. I might not like Beatrice but I can't sit back and let her suffer, not when it comes to the mate bond. It's too precious.

"She's not here on a date. I invited them. I thought you were nice and that Beatrice might be into you, but just in case she wasn't I needed a easy exit strategy for her, that's where Daly comes in. I'm sorry, I like to play matchmaker! But I was right and you two are perfect together!" I say with a smirk, as if I really was playing matchmaker. I see the look of surprise on Beatrices face that turns to a look of gratefulness when Max relaxes his shoulders.

"I'm sorry for being rude to you mate, I was just jealous! Can you forgive me? Can we start again? Maybe go for a walk and get to know one another?" Max asks her sweetly. She nods with a blush.

"Can I meet you at the doors, I just want a private word with my friend first!?" Max smiles at us both and walks off to wait. Beatrice pulls me into a hug.

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