Chapter 1

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I can hear all the screaming, and smell the buildings burning. My lungs are burning but I'm nowhere near the smoke. Then I realise it's not me who's choking on the smoke, it's Devin!

I turn back towards the pack house, running as fast as possible. I hear my name being called but I ignore it all as I try to reach my mate.

Just before I can clear the trees I fall to the forest floor, screaming in agony. I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest. I know what this means. Devin couldn't make it out of the fire. He's gone! Dead!

I start thrashing when I feel someone grab me and start carrying me away. "Stop! You'll hurt your pup!" It's the Alphas voice. I go slack in his arms and let him carry me away.

Away from Devin. But I still have a piece of Devin with me. I place a protective hand over my stomach. I have to be strong for my pup!

Suddenly there's another tug on my soul and I arch and start screaming again.

"Mum, mum, wake up! You're having another nightmare!" I'm woken with a rough shake of my shoulders by my 8 year old son. I look at his eyes, blue, Tyler.

My twins are identical except for the color of their eyes. Tyler has blue eyes, whereas Ryder has green.

I sigh and sit up. I can see Ryder at my bedroom door, watching me with a frown on his face. I hate worrying them. I give them both a quick smile and raise my blanket for them to hop into bed with me.

They both grin and jump in. They're only 8 years old but both are big for their ages. They look more like they're 12. They're also very smart. They sound like mini adults most days.

"Only good thing about your nightmares is that we get to hop in your bed after!" Ryder says cheekily, trying and succeeding in making me laugh.

"Smart ass!" I say with a chuckle.

I see it's only 4am so I snuggle down with my boys and fall into a dreamless sleep.

When the alarm goes off at 6:30 we all wake up with a groan. None of us are morning people. I hop in the shower real quick and then head to the kitchen to get the boys breakfast ready.

It's the beginning of summer and the boys need to be dropped off at the pack house for lessons and training. I hate leaving then there. I know it's a new and improved building than the one Devin died in, but... I sigh and shake the thoughts away.

When we get to the pack house, Ryder pulls up closer to me and squeezes my hand gently. I feel my anxiety calm down. He's more aware of my worries than Tyler.

As we enter we see Alex, the Alphas son rough housing with Tyler. I smile as Ryder let's out a war cry and throws himself into the mix.

The few other kids that are here see this and soon Alex is swamped by a horde of under 10s. I laugh as Alex pretends he's being overpowered by them and falls to the floor.

"I give, I give! Mercy little warriors!" He says with a laugh throwing his arms up in surrender. The kids cheer and high five each other.

Lisa, the mother of two of the kids, smiles coyly at Alex and helps him stand, running her hands over his chest and back, pretending to be dusting him off.

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