Chapter 7

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I let Daly drive, that way he could just navigate and I wouldn't need to interact with him. I watched the directions he took, remembering landmarks so I can get around myself. He drove quietly for a while and I ignored him.

Then he placed a hand on my shoulder. I jerked away and he snatched his hand back quickly.

"Hey, calm down, I called your name but you didn't answer me. I just wanted to point out the clinic you'll be working from so you can see the distance from the cabin!" He says. I can hear the slight frustration in his tone at my cold attitude. I raise a brow at Ryder and he nods.

"Ok, thanks." I don't apologize for jerking away. I'm not sorry. He needs to keep his big, sexy hands to himself.

Wait! What!? Ugh. Don't think of him like that. He's a nasty and petty individual. I work on distracting myself from Dalys nearness.

I love the red brick of the clinic. It's classy looking. Hopefully they've kept the inside maintained just as well as the outside. I watch the route he drives from the clinic to the cabin.

"You can walk the distance between our place and the clinic in less than 15 minutes!" My jaw tenses at his phrasing. But happily it's Tyler who asks.

"Our place? You aren't moving in with us! You need to work harder than that to get our mum to forgive you and let you into her bed!" He says with a smirk at Daly. 

What was I saying about being happy Tyler asked the question. I should know better than to ever be happy that Tyler is going to comment. Daly grins hugely. I frown at him.

"Really? Any tips boys?" I gasp at his audacity! But all three are acting like I'm not sitting right here.

"Well it goes a really big way if you're nice to us and we like you." Says Ryder. I groan.

"Enough with the joking guys. Not funny ok!?" I say to them all.

"Who's joking!?" All three say simultaneously. They freeze and then say "Jinx" simultaneously. Then "Double Jinx". They stare at each other before Daly chimes in with "Jinx Infinity!". The twins both throw their arms up and laugh and holler at him.

I look at them all like they're crazy. I get three wide grins at me.

"Bloody boys! They never grow up!" I say to myself.

"Oh sugar, trust me, I'm very grown in all the parts that matter!" He says with a flirtatious wink. I'm about to put him in his place when Tyler chimes in again.

"Are you trying to win our mum by talking about the size of your dick? I've never dated myself, but I'm pretty sure that's a bad way to get a female to trust you!?" He comments to Daly but looks at his brother in question.

Daly drops his jaw in shock. I did mention that my boys were above average intellectually didn't I!?

"Well it depends on if he's being honest or if he's talking himself up to make up for any shortages!" Ryder says slyly. I cough to hide my laugh. Daly has turned bright red now.

"I'm being completely honest! Definitely no shortages here!" He says quickly. Then reddens even further when all three of us flick our eyes to his crotch. The boys even leaned over the front seats to get a look.

"You know what, let's find something else to talk about. Hey look, there's the cabin now!" Daly says in obvious relief. As soon as he parks he throws himself out of the car. The twins laugh at him.

"I like him! You have my blessing to get massaged by him!" Tyler says bluntly.

"Yeah, me too. He's funny! And if he's jealous of you, then he must already really like you!" Ryder adds in. I frown at them both.

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