Ch 15: And so it begins

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Hahaha what? Did you think I abandoned this story? Like hell! This is one of my fave fanfics I'm not abandoning it. Ever. I might have needed one hell of a break to sort out my thoughts but I'm back baby! In fact, I'm going to start doing weekly updates! 1,000 words every Friday starting today!!!


"Come on, you slow pokes! Lift those spirit legs and keep it moving! Or it'll be over a year before we get to Camelot!" Merrietta yelled to the group, waving her wand red sparkles flying from the tip.

"Look! There's Merlin!" Gwaine pointed to a nearby hill.

"Past Merlin you mean." Lancelot corrected as they started walking with new vigor now.

"Was he always that scrawny?" Percival wondered using a rag to wipe the sweat off him. Curiously though, no one else was sweating. He had a sneaking suspicion Merrietta was behind him feeling so hot.

"This is...This is strange." Merlin remarked as he walked right beside his past self on the dirt path, Arthur, Morganna and the rest of the knights all swarmed around his younger self as well having finally caught up to him. They were all corporeal, nothing more than ghosts that couldn't be seen.

"How long have we been walking?" Morganna complained one hand clutching at her dress skirt to make walking easier. "It feels like it's been well over a year already. Can't you just whisk us there with a wave of that silly wand of yours?"

"No, Lady Morganna. I'm afraid that's not how this works. You wouldn't learn anything if I gave you the easy path." Merrietta replied. "You must work to see the answers you are seeking."

"What's wrong? Getting tired? Why don't you lay in the grass and take a snooze." Arthur suggested. "Catch up with us never."

"In this dress I most certainly will not!" Morgana huffed, glaring at her brother. "Do you know how hard it it to come by a nice dress when you no longer live in a castle?"

"Why would I ever need to know that?" Arthur demanded looking incredulous.

"Perhaps for Gwen?" Elyan suggested.

"Why wouldn't Gwen be living in the castle?" Arthur asked completely entirely lost. "She's my wife, when are we ever not living in the castle?"

"When Morganna takes over for a weekend." Merlin supplied as he looked at his younger self.

"When I conquer Camelot next I swear it'll be longer than that." The witch glared at the warlock making a grab for him intent on pulling his hair.

"Alright, three days then, long weekend." Merlin replied ducking out of her reach. A smile upon his face.

"I cannot believe I have no access to my magic in this realm." Morganna complained. "If I did you would be roasting alive."

"Don't have to tell me." Merlin sighed with a nod of his own looking down at his hands. "I don't like it anymore than you do. Makes me feel, cut off, detached, weakened somehow."

"Yes, that's the word I would use as well." Morganna agreed. "I haven't felt this way since I was a girl."

"I've never felt this way at all." Merlin admitted. "Is this what being normal is like? I don't like it."

"Yes, Merlin because being a spirit and looking at the back of your own head is really normal." Arthur put his hands on Merlins shoulders and shook him lightly.

"Hey, well, I've survived my whole life without magic and look how well I turned out!" Gwaine boasted as he walked backwards just as he tripped over a rock and went tumbling down the hill.

Merlin's first instinct was to use his magic to catch him and stop him from falling, however, he couldn't and so Gwaine tumbled down and splashed into a stream. Though curiously he didn't get wet when he hit the water.

"We can't touch the water? Great what are we going to do if we get thirsty?" Arthur complained.

"I don't believe Spirits thirst your majesty." Leon replied.

Gwaine gained a dawning look of horror. "We can't drink!?"

"Not in this state no." Merrietta replied. "But fear not noble knight. "You shall be able to drink as much ale as you wish upon return to your body."

"If he escapes my dungeon. Which he won't." Morganna replied as they all followed Past Merlin into Camelot. All of them watching as they witnessed the hanging of some witches son. Watching Merlins reaction to the death.

"What a warm welcome from Uther." Lancelot sighed.

"Why didn't you leave then and there?" Arthur wondered.

"If I was you I would have turned tail and ran the other way." Elyon admitted.

"My mother thought Camelot would be safer for me." Merlin replied, "People in the village were starting to notice I wasn't them."

"Those villagers should have minded their own business." Percival complained.

"You used to have a heart." Merlin sighed as he watched Morganna close the window and look away from the hanging.

"Lot of good it ever did me." Morganna replied. "Glad I got rid of it. Love is for fools."

"Ew that's that creepy old crone who disguised herself as the singer lady and tried to kill me!" Arthur walked up to her squinting. "She's uglier than I remember."

"Arthur!" Merlin berated.

"What? Do you not see the wrinkles on this woman?" Arthur gestured to her. "And look at her hair it looks like she hasn't bathed in months! Years even!"

"Not all people have the means to bathe every other day." Merlin rolled his eyes.

"That's disgusting." Arthur pulled a face.

"Yes, well at least we can't smell her evil stench." Gwaine grinned.

"Leave the poor woman alone." Morganna snapped. "Her son was just killed."

"Does anyone care?" Merrietta looked around at the square. "Doesn't seem like it. Oh look! Merlin's on the move again! This way everyone! Don't dally!"

So it's been a while I know, but I've been thinking about how I'm going to do this for a while and I finally decided on how I'm going to go about it getting it done. The characters will be reacting to just about every episode up to somewhere in season 5? Not the whole episode mind you as that would be too much, but impactful and funny moments.  Pieces of each episode. Honestly the timeline for this book is really just in the shitter anyways so I figure why not just go crazy with it at this point and do moments from every Merlin episode?

I know I asked this question years ago but I think I'll ask now again because opinions may have changed.

What moments would you like to see them react to the most?

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