Ch 14: Into the present!

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"Who the hell are you!?" Arthur demanded his guard up as a pale woman with long dark hair leaned against the doorway of the cells appearing seemingly out of thin air.

"Now, now your majesty that is no way to talk to a magical spirit such as myself." The woman chided as she played with a piece of her dark hair.

"Freya..?" Merlin breathed out his voice shaky as he took a step forwards. The hope in his voice interlacing with his pain.

"Merlin, you know her?" Lancelot asked his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"No, he does not." The woman spoke before Merlin could answer. The hope within Merlin crumbling away immediately. "I am not the woman you are thinking of. Does this form displease you? I was hoping to pick a form that you might like." The spirit smiled at Merlin, but that was all it took for Merlin's anger to spike. Merlin could handle torture, starvation, the fear of burning at the pyre for his magic and anything else the very universe tried to throw at him, but the face of his beloved being used as some kind of trick to get him to lower his guard....that was too much even for him.

"Who's Freya..?" Arthur questioned Gwaine careful to keep his voice low.

"This is the first I've heard of her." Gwaine replied. "Lance?"

"No clue at all." Lancelot admitted an uneasy feeling settling as he stared at Merlin.

"Displease me?" Merlin had half the mind to hold back a scoff as a fire ignited within him. Anger swirling, Merlin fought to suppress his magic down. "Does it displease me? Does it displease me!? No, it offends me!" Merlin snapped his fists clenched at his side's. "I don't care how powerful of a spirit you are. Change now, if you think that this face will protect you from me you're wrong. If anything seeing her again has just made me more powerful."

"My, my, I didn't think you would still be harboring such an attraction to her even after all these years. Very well, you have my apologies." A bright red light shrouded her form blinding everyone's view of her. Once it subsided a woman with curly ginger hair stood in the not Freya's place, her dress long and flowing, a silver wand covered with gems in her left hand. "Is my original form more to your liking?"

 "Is my original form more to your liking?"

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"It's certainly to my liking." Gwaine grinned.

"Gwaine..she's holding us all captive against our will, perhaps now is not the best time for flirting." Elyon reprimanded him.

"If you're not this Freya woman, who are you exactly?" Lancelot questioned carefully.

"I am Merrietta. The Spirit of the Present." The red head answered.

"Merrietta, what a beautiful name for such an enchanting spirit." Gwaine complimented.

"I take it that you are the one that is not allowing me to leave." Morganna glared resisting the urge to roll her eyes at the knights stupidity.

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