Ch 7: in the past!

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Wait! Merlin yelled as they hit the ground in a grassy field. Phoebe giggled. "To slow merry bear! "Phoebe said hopping up and bobbing merlins nose.

"Hey what did you just do?" Arthur asked struggling to get up.

Phoebe giggled once again. "I brought us to the past artie! Do you not listen to a word i say? "She asked going into a slight pout.

"I am the king of camelot i do not need to listen to a blonde magical bimbo!"

"Oi watch it ya hypocrite!"

"Would you stop changing the subject i am the king of camelot and i demand that you tell me what you have done right now!" Arthur screamed at her.

She spun around away from arthur and silently sobbed into her hands.

"Great job princess you made the girl cry." Gwaine said while helping leon up off the ground.

"She's a sorceress!" He exclaimed eyes widened.

"She freed us from Morganna!" Gwaine argued .

"Wait i thought she was working for morganna." Lancelot said puzzled.

"No she said the triple goddess" elyon countered.

"No she didn't! "

"Yes she really did!"

While the knights argued amongst themselves about the mysterious girl in gold, merlin crept away from the group and over to the tearful girl. He cleared his throat not very sure of how to comfort the strange girl who randomly popped out of no where and postponed his likely session of torture and insults.

"Arthur gets a bit jumpy whenever magic happens" merlin decided on saying.

The girls shoulders stopped shaking slightly. "You know it's not his fault that he is so prejudice about all things magic. It was just the way he was brought up." He continued as if he had not gotten any semblance of a reaction.

"Well he doesn't have to be rude about it..." She said rubbing her eyes.

"I know but he is a prat so i think that evens it out a smidge hmm?"

"Yeah i suppose it does...." She said smiling at him.

"Oi Goldie can you help us settle somethin?"elyon asked having enough of the back and forth.

She smiled cheerily. "It would be an honor sir elyan!" She said back to her usual peppy attitude.

"Are you working for morganna or for the triple goddess?" Gwaine asked rubbing his hands together. A bet had been made and now that he's sober he's sure he picked the right one.

"Both!"She said her blue eyes shining.

"What?"they chorused dumbfounded.

" i work for both morganna and the triple goddess"  she explained to them slowly as if they were small children by the age of 5.

Before the knights broke out into another series of questions and exclamations Arthur spoke up.

"Okay um......" He said gesturing to the other blonde beside merlin

"Phoebe" she said goading Arthur on.

"Okay umm phoebe so we're in the past correct?"

"Yes thats correct artie"

"Merlins past?" He asked uncertainly.

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