Part 3

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Next morning.

This is the first time Omkara has seen Gauri restless in her calm demeanor. She should be happy to go for his regular checkups. But she is nervous about going with Omkara. Gauri goes to the room and gets ready.

"Omkara." Someone called him. He looked at her with a confused face.

"Ishana. What are you doing here."

"I heard Gauri has returned to the Mansion so I want to meet my cousin. Where is she?" Ishana comes and immediately melts the atmosphere.

"She's in the room. You can visit her another time. Now all she needs to do is rest. Because she's pregnant."

Like a big storm with lightning striking her. She was shocked and surprised to hear what Omkara said.

"Is it pregnant? How come? Are you sure it's your child Om. I'm ... sorry ... I mean. How did you know she was pregnant. I just wanted to see her for a moment."

Omkara nodded his head and left. Ishana clenches her fists very angry at this news. She went and glanced into the room.

"Pregnant. I'm glad she's out of this house. And now a new problem is coming. This can't be tolerated. I have to do something." Ishana murmured softly.

She set his breath and face to look good in front of him. She knocked on the door and entered.

"Gauri ..."


"Haan. Did you forget your cousin. You disappeared in a few months. And now you are back. How did Omkara find you? We've been looking for you everywhere."

She just quietly subdued his head.

"Um ... May I ask you something. Why did you come back to this house? Didn't Omkara divorce you. And how did you get pregnant?"

"What do you mean Ishana."

"I'm just asking. Who is the father of the baby."

"Ishana, please leave here."

"Why. Gauri, Omkara has hurt you, he even kicked you out. He has insulted you in front of the family. You should be angry with him."

"I know Ishana. I just ... want to give him a chance." Gauri caresses his stomach.

"Don't be weak Gauri. You don't know people's minds. Maybe he is good for some reason. Gauri you have to believe in yourself." Ishana tries to profilate it.

"You're right Ishana. I'll be more careful now. I beg you to stay here. You are also my family." Gauri smiles.

"I will always be here Gauri. Always here." Ishana hugs her and changes face.

Ishana's mind. Can not. I can't accept all this. I hate you Gauri. Just look what I will do to drive you away from here and from Omkara's life.

Ishana takes oil and smiles slyly. She peeked at Gauri from the door and waited for Gauri. She poured the oil on the stairs and left.

Gauri comes and will come down. But because the floor was slippery, she slipped and fell down the stairs. She shouted and grabbed the ladder to hold it so her would not fall over. Gauri fainted because his head hit the floor. Omkara who heard Gauri's scream immediately ran to her. How shocked Omkara and the others saw Gauri faint on the floor.

"Gauri ... Gauri ... Why are you Gauri? .. Gauri wake up ... Get up Gauri ... I beg you ... Gauri ... Shivay Rudra help me carry Gauri ... Mom quickly call the Doctor now."

"Gauri ... open your eyes dear ... Gauri .."

"Om, we have to take Bhabhi to the hospital. If something happens to Gauri Bhabhi and the baby ..."

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