Part 1

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Gauri is only silent in the car and looks out the window during the trip. Her hands are sweaty and annoyed. Her breathing was heavy and his face was contorted in sour.

Dadi knew Gauri was still angry with the incident in the village. Omkara saw it in the mirror from the steering wheel and could only remain silent. In his heart he also felt afraid, anxious and angry with himself. He doesn't know how to behave with Gauri. Because he felt the fortress he built was very long and thick. But he will try to be able to take his heart again like before. He drove while sighing.

The Mansion Gate was opened and the car entered the front yard. Everyone came down feeling happy and excited because Gauri had returned. When Omkara was about to help him get out of the car, Gauri had opened the door and disembarked with his own efforts.

Everyone felt a cold distance between Gauri and Omkara. They just silent and smile to welcome Gauri. When Jhanvi and the others wanted to give a blessing, Gauri looked down two steps back. She shook his head not need to do that.

Tej, Shakti and Pinky come and see Gauri coming with the little one still in the stomach. Pinky felt suspicious and accused Gauri. She doubted that the baby Gauri was born with was not a potential successor to Oberoi who could be someone else's child.

Hearing Pinky's words made Omkara shout angrily.

"Please take care of your speech, Chotimaa. Before I lose my patience. What you call is my WIFE. So don't ever insult her or demean her. Do I need to involve my position?"

"Why Om. You dare say that to your aunt. Then where was Omkara who also behaved the same to his wife. You also accused her and kicked her out of here. And now you bring her back."

A hard slap from Dadi kept her quiet and left the hall. Seeing the noise that made her depressed and held his stomach tightly. She tried to protect his baby from anyone. Anika and Bavya try to keep Gauri from wavering.

"Our Gauri will take you to the room. You need to rest. Ranjiv please bring Gauri's items to the room."

Before she could Gauri took his bag and carried it to the guest room.

"Bhabhi is not your room. Your room is upstairs." Rudra was confused by his attitude.

"Where? I'm a guest here. So I'll sleep there." His cold attitude surprised the others.

"You're not guest, Gauri. You are my wife. The daughter-in-law of this house and the mother of my child. You will sleep up with me." Om walks over to her and takes his suitcase.

"I am not a wife or daughter-in-law in this house. I am Gauri Kumari Sharma and with my own child. Since when did you think about that. Did you change just because I was pregnant so that you were kind to me. I could file and sign the divorce papers again." She turned and took his suitcase back.

"ENOUGH GAURI. You are my wife and will remain my wife. He is also my son Gauri. And I will also do anything for the welfare of you two. I can even take it from you at any time."

Hearing that made Gauri tremble with fear. She hugged his stomach tightly and stepped back.

"Omkara stop. Gauri is pregnant."

Omkara came over to her and carried her upstairs.

"Let me go. Don't dare touch me. How dare you threaten me. I will do anything and even die with my baby. I can do it, Mr. Oberoi." Omkara drops Gauri in the room.

"And before you die I can take my son back. Even every night you sleep I can take it. Gauri ... I don't want to argue with you. You rest. And think about your health."

Omkara leaves and closes the door loudly.

"What is he talking about. He will take my baby by force. No ... that won't happen ... my baby will always be with me."

Gauri daydreams of Omkara's words. She was tired of all this. Can she live in peace after this?

Omkara came and offered to eat. "Gauri eat. If you don't eat then think a little for your baby. My son. Your health is very important. Don't you worry about it. Take it, you also have to take your vitamins regularly."

Gauri jerks it and spills all of his food on the floor. Omkara is sad to see Gauri like this. She just silent and cry a lot. Eyes shoot a lot of tears coming out of her. He took a broken plate and cleaned the floor so Gauri was not stabbed and injured. And after that Omkara left the room feeling defeated.

Anika comes and approaches Om. "What happened? Has she not eaten yet?"

"Anika. Let me see it. You too, Omkara, calm down. I will examine it."

Jhanvi comes and sees Gauri sitting leaning on the bed. She hugged a thick blanket and cried silently.

"Maa ... Ammaa ... Ammaa .." sighed Gauri.

"Gauri ... honey what happened to you? Calm down I'm here. I'm also your mother Gauri. Cry and let go." Jhanvi is worried about Gauri's condition. She continued to cry.

"Maa ... Maa ... Ammaa ... I miss you so much. I don't want to be alone."

Gauri becomes calm and silent. "Eat. You can get sick Gauri. Your baby will get sick too. He will feel sad and hurt. He can also feel your sadness dear. You need to be calm. Don't think about anything. Keep on taking care of your health. Eat."

Gauri nods and starts to eat even though her is being fed by Jhanvi.

Jhanvi comes out and brings an empty tray that Gauri has finished his meal. When Om will enter she stops it.

"Let she sleep. I don't want her to be disturbed Om. You sleep in another room. Leave her alone. We've forced she to stay here too. She may be a lot of pressure. I don't want that to happen. It's very bad for his pregnancy if she is too stressed. "

"Mother, she is my wife. I will take care of her. This is all I can do to make up for my mistakes with her."

"But Om ..." Omkara immediately entered the room and closed the door slowly.

"Aunt, what about Gauri." Anika asked.

"She is tired and asleep. We should sleep too. Go away."


Under the moonlight he saw her swollen face, eyes flushed with tears, her breathing was interrupted by congestion. She curled himself up in a blanket and hugged his stomach protectively.

He did not dare to approach or touch it. He was unable to see her weak like this. Gauri suffered because of him stupidity, selfishness, anger and distrust of Gauri all this time.

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