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"Even if you were, I like that your broken."

My head snapped to him, a small gasp leaving my lips. His eyes dark, yet his lips in a frown. His eyes flickered to me, looking lost. "Broken like me."

I couldn't sleep. Is it wrong that I keep replaying that little moment over and over in my head.

I looked at the wall, seeing it in a different view. 

He is inches away from me through that thin wall, maybe laying down the same way I am, sharing the same air I am, Breathing the same way I am.

Is he awake like me?

Is he thinking.. Of me?

I shook my head and sighed, turning on my sides, facing the window. Is he broken? Why?

I tried repeatedly to close my eyes and drift off to sleep but I couldn't. 

It's is too quiet, no sounds of distant cars heading home or too work. No warm air. Nothing like home.

Thinking i'll regret this soon, I fished out my phone and scrolled to the Contacts.


I smiled. "Hey ma. What you doing?"

I heard movement in the background until I heard nothing. "Hi baby, Nothing much. Your father thinking he could get some. But are you ok? Why'd you call?"

"I can't call my mom out of the blue and say hello?"

She was silent and I chuckled. "Yeah your right. That just isn't me..."

"I gave birth to you and raised you. I think I know what your like."

"Ha ha very funny mom. I'm dying of laughter over here."

"Glad to know you think i'm a comedian. Wanna hear another joke?"

I rolled my eyes. "Sure Comedian."

"What did the Tick say to the Clock?" 

"Um, Tick tock?"

"Nope." She said popping the 'P'.

"Then what did the Tick say to the Clock Mom?"

"What are you Tocking about." She giggled and I laughed. Not because the joke was funny but because she thought it was.

"You need help."

"I needed help the moment I fell in love with your father."


It was a pregnant silence between us but it wasn't full of tension. No it was... soothing.

"Truth?" I asked, playing with the sheets on the bed.

"Tell me Ve ve."

"I just needed to hear your voice before I go to sleep."


I rolled my eyes. "And you ruined the moment. I'm going no-"

"Wait! I just want to do one thing."


"Sing you a lullaby."

I rolled my eyes. "Really ma? I'm not 1."

"Your always a baby to me. Please?"

I sighed. "Whatever."

She cleared her throat and I kept myself from laughing. Her voice started out soft, but sweet like a echoing melody. I admit this lullaby always gets to me. Something my mother sang to all her kids when they were just fresh out her oven. She had the most beautiful voice to me. Always and forever will.

"Do not sleep my, My starling Sleep my doe. She is wrapped in Curtains Laid in snow. She will bury you inside her fur-"

My eye lids felt heavy, and I put the phone on speaker, resting it besides my head. I covered my mouth from yawning, listening to my mother's voice. "Do not sleep She waits for you to sleep. Do not sleep She waits for you to sleep. My breath you breathe, it will carry you. My breath you breathe, it will carry you. 

"Do not sleep She waits for you to sleep Do not sleep My starling Do not sleep."

My eyes were closed, My breath even out as I let my mouth part, breathing through it as I slept.

"Good night my love." Was the last thing I heard before fully drawing in.


I woken up to the smell of bacon and something else. I haven't smelt breakfast like this since my mother passed away.

Curious on where it's coming from, I quickly got out of the bed and into the kitchen.

I was surprised too see Alva There cooking. My eyes roamed her body. She was wearing skin tight Black Jeans, With Knee high grey boots. Above her waist was a white Long sleeve Shirt with a Grey Vest over it. Her hair pinned in a messy bun.

She was moving lightly, humming a song. I tried to recall where I heard it before, since it was familiar but I stopped when she looked at me.

She gave me a small smile and turned back to flip a pancake.

"I thought i'll just make breakfast. Is that ok?" She asked, her voice soft and low. I nodded but answered when she looked back at me. "Yeah."

Her brows burrowed as she watched me, her eyes squinting. "What?" I asked defensively.

She shook her head. "I don't know why I am seeing things. Is your eye's white?"

My face dropped and I shook my head. "No. Excuse me for a second."

I quickly ran back into the bedroom and fixed myself up before leaving.

"You ok?"

I nodded. "I just needed to wash my face."

She nodded and set a plate in front of me. She looked sheepish as she bit her lip nervously. Yet the action made me extremely hot. "What would you like to drink? Hot chocolate?"

I nodded, already stuffing my mouth with food. "Mbdjsguiq"

She looked at me as if I just said the sky is brown and turned to make the drink.

I swallowed and stuffed my mouth again.

She soon set down the cup of Chocolate and the steam was dancing to my face. "You know you eat like a pig."

I looked at her and she laughed, her nose scrunching up. "You eat worse than my brothers. I swear boys eat like pigs."

I swallowed. "Well I happen to like eating like a pig."

She shook her head, amused before eating her own breakfast. Syrup dripped from her lips onto her chin and she tried to lick it with her tongue. I lightly chuckled. 

She was pretty. Beautiful if I may. Her black curls and her green apple eyes. Her cream skin glowing from the radiating sunlight though the windows in the kitchen.

She moaned as she took another bite of her food and I shifted in my seat. 

Why the hell was I getting affected by so much small things she does? Fuck.

"I woke up early just to try some of the famous syrup People be talking about from Canada but shit." She wiped her cheek. "I never knew it was this good."

I nodded in agreement, too busy trying to stab some eggs onto the fork. Get in my mouth little yellow chicks!

"Mm. Good." I repeated.

This chapter was just a boring chapter. I Promise the next one should be better. If you want to hear The lullaby Dawn sang for Alva its above.

*-*Just close your eyes, Fast to sleep, I'm by your side, In your dreams.*-*

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