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My feet were buried in between the couches, My legs up to my chest, My hands wrapped around me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 

"Yes Allaric."

"And remember to call me everyday ok?"

"Yes Allaric."

"Did you call mom?"

"Yes Allaric."


"Yes Allaric."

"Stop saying that!"

"Yes Allaric."

"Alva Rose Thorn Elvonel."

"Yes Allaric?"

"Fuck you."


"No Allaric."

He groaned and I burst out laughing. When I was done, I picked the phone back up and pressed it to my ears. "Stop worrying about me. Dusk  is here and so is Princess and Alejandro. I am sure they won't let me die on there account Allaric. And tell mom to stop using you as her delivery man. I am 19 years old, I am in college and I am mature enough to keep track of my... You know what... I love you, Ok? If I feel anything I would tell you guys straight away... Now... Leave Me the fuck alone. I didn't come to Canada to have you guys calling me 24/7. I am here for vacation."

"No your there for the boy you liked since you were 7. What's his name again? Sil-"

I hung up. 

"What's your name?"

 I jumped, looking behind me. There he was, his hair looked as if he ran through it too many times, His Red sweater zipped up all the way, His black Sweats slightly hanging from his waist. His Arms folded, and his face neutral. I'm starting to think he has no emotions.

"I'm sorry?"

"Thanks for the apology-" I rolled my eyes. Ass. "I asked. What is your name. Speak English?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Who wants to know?"

"me." Well damn. Be blunt about it.


He just nodded and turned around. "Hey."

He looked back. "What."

"Look, I know we don't like each other. But at least since were going to be living together for 2 weeks we might as well get along."

When he didn't say anything I continued. "I mean, I don't want to spend my little trip with a ... Grumpy person all day. It's not-"

"I don't like people. I don't like this trip. I don't like Canada. And I'm only going to say this once... I don't. Like. You."

He walked off and the sound of his door closing made me blink.

I jumped off the Couch and walked to his room. I pushed the door open and stomped to his bed side where he was laying down. 

"What the-"

I grabbed his phone and threw it across the room. "I don't like you either. So maybe you should take your stuck up ass somewhere else Because no one likes a Shitty person dick. I played nice just now but you didn't. So don't expect me to play nice again. If you want, we stay out of each other's way alright? Until I find someone who has enough balls to switch and live with your ass. Got it?"

He just stared at me. "God I hate people like you. Think your the top of the world, has everything in the universe. Well guess what? Your not important. No one is. Were all just little creatures in this big world. So suck your fucking attitude up and deal with your bullshit."

I walked off his room, slamming the door very hard behind me and slipping on my boots. I found Princess Loft and opened the door, not caring. Alejandro Jumped when he saw me and I pushed him aside and fell on Princess lap.

She started stroking my hair, And continued reading her book.

"I hate Octavius."

"Well if you remembered his name, i'm sure you don't."

"Shut up."

She laughed. "Can you switch with me?"

She stayed silent. "Never."


"I don't like you either. So maybe you should take your stuck up ass somewhere else Because no one likes a Shitty person dick. I played nice just now but you didn't. So don't expect me to play nice again. If you want, we stay out of each other's way alright? Until I find someone who has enough balls to switch and live with your ass. Got it?"

"God I hate people like you. Think your the top of the world, has everything in the universe. Well guess what? Your not important. No one is. Were all just little creatures in this big world. So suck your fucking attitude up and deal with your bullshit."

She stormed off, slamming my door behind her. I watched the closed door for a while before feeling my lips curve.

I looked for my phone and picked it up. When i saw there wasn't any cracks, i called Dashane.

"Sup B?"

"Did you get anything yet?"

"No. Dead ends, to be honest. All i got is her last location."

"Which is?"

"Couple years after you were born, you were 10 about. She was caught on video, leaving a Dark side Alley. After that It was cut off, But not quick enough for me to notice the blood."

Blood? Why would my mother be exiting a Alley with blood on her?

"You think she was hurt?" I asked Dashane.

"No. The way she was walking doesn't indicate such. Do you remember what you were doing on November the 3rd?"

I thought about it. "What time was that video?"

"around 6. pm."

"Ok, So around then she left me at home playing video games. Said she had to pick up some things for my school trip the next day."

"Anything else? What did you guys do any days before?"

When i thought about it my head starting hurting. "Look Man, If it hurts to remember then don't force it. I'm sure it would come back."

"But that's the thing. I can't remember anything about that one day. All i remember is My father forcing us to attend some stupid gala. Anything after that is a blur." I sighed. "Well of that day."

"Well i'll keep digging. Let me check any medical records of a Rebecca Lorenzo In the hospital."

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