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10:                                                                                         {}                               (Warning, this would be a short chapter.)

Words Can't describe what i feel right now. Shielded in my own body. Trapped. Can words explain that every day i try and try to breath without thinking of what happened that night? Without thinking of... I can't. I isolate myself from the world, keeping my feelings trapped behind a red door, locked, the key  has yet to be found. My life is private, It's unknown. No one knows shit about me, not even those who has the title, 'Closest friend'.

No one knows what i've been through. My life has been worse than hell. I lived with the devil himself, only to be left with big shit on my shoulders, everyone relying on me to help them breathe. Could i do it? Am i strong enough to numb out the feelings, exclude the humanity in me and become a walking mannequin? Feel nothing but emptiness?

No one would ever know. 

Not until i find the truth on what happened to my mother. Who killed her. And when i find that person, i will not hesitate to put a bullet in there head. The same way they did to her.

No matter the price.

No matter the cost.

No matter what comes in my way. I, Octavius Ridge, will find out who killed my mother. 

Leaving no mercy.

Oh god that sounds dark. I even felt the shivers... Who was that? What did they do? What have they been through? 

*-*The Wheel's of a man's life. No Mercy. No pity.*-*

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