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"I'm tired of you Ace!" My mother yelled. 

"Dawn. Your over reacting. Its just a -"

"I want a divorce. I can't stand to look at you anymore. How could you do this to me?! You know how much it meant to me!" My mother sobbed.

Allaric rolled his eyes while I covered my mouth. 


"No. Don't talk to me. I hate you! I hate you!"

My dad rolled his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose. "I was-"

"I don't care. It was mines. You had no right to take it." 

Dusk failed and snickered, causing our parents heads to snap our way. I swore I heard a bone crack.

"You guys are not serious right now." I said. My mother eyes narrowed at me. I ignored her.

"Dad, You know how mom is with her food. Mom, dad was hungry and didn't know. Dad, Tell mom you will buy her 5 boxes of pizza's each one her's alone."

"Dawn." My dad took my mom's hands. " I will buy you 10 boxes of pizza. Please don't leave me. I love you."

My mom frowned. "I want Cheesecake too." 

My dad nodded. "Anything."

My mom smiled and hugged my dad. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I rolled my eyes. "Bipolar asses." I murmured.

"Language!" My parents yelled. 

"Don't you kids have school?" Dad asked. I shrugged, biting into a toasted bread covered in Irish butter. I swear those butters tasted like cheese and damn was I in love with them.

"Correction, These 2 idiots have school." Daniel grabbed my head and shook it while Adrian did the same with Dusk. We whined and I shooed them off. 

"Alva before you leave, We want to talk to you." Dad said. I nodded, though I had a small idea on what the conversation topic was about.

"I'll wait for you in the car. K?" Dusk said.

I nodded and followed My parents into there office. Well Dad's office, while mom just comes in here to annoy him.

"Yeah?" I asked, folding my arms. 

"We just want to ask if your ready to-" Mom started.

I sighed. "Mom I am perfectly fine. I promise." I whispered. She sniffed and I rolled my eyes. Tears were stinging her eyes as she fanned her face. Thank fucking god I didn't get her emotional gene.

"Y-you almost died. How could we not be worried." She mumbled. Dad wrapped his arms around her shoulder, even if he doesn't take crying females very well. 

"Honey you had cancer. Of course we're going to be worried. If you feel any type of way, funny even. Call us and we would pick you up."

I groaned. 

When I turned 12, I was diagnosed with Leukemia, A type of cancer which affects the production and function of blood cells.

It was a horrified few years. I was scared I would die. I was terrified. When I turned 17, it was finally cleared. I fought it off, something the doctor told us, not many people were able to do.

In love with the Enemy.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora